Home Symptoms Symptoms and treatments for genital candidiasis (with test)

Symptoms and treatments for genital candidiasis (with test)


Candidiasis is an infection caused by the overgrowth of the fungus Candida sp. and that usually happens due to a weakened immune system or prolonged use of drugs that can alter the genital microbiota, such as antibiotics and antifungals, for example.

This type of infection can arise in men or women and has a cure, and its treatment is done with ointments or medicines that eliminate the fungi that are causing the disease, helping in the relief of symptoms.

Candidiasis test

When you think you may have candidiasis it is important to be aware of some signs that include:

  1. 1. Intense itching in the genital region Yes No
  2. 2. Redness and swelling in the genital area Yes No
  3. 3. Whitish plaques on the vagina or on the head of the penis Yes No
  4. 4. Whitish, lumpy discharge, similar to cut milk Yes No
  5. 5. Pain or burning when urinating Yes No
  6. 6. Discomfort or pain during intimate contact Yes No

Normally, this type of fungus lives in the human organism, but the immune system is able to prevent its excessive proliferation. However, when the body is weaker or undergoes some hormonal change, such as after the flu or during pregnancy, these fungi can reproduce exaggeratedly causing candidiasis.

Candidiasis can also manifest itself in other parts of the body, such as the skin, mouth or intestines, for example. Learn about the various types of candidiasis and its symptoms.

How the treatment is done

Genital candidiasis can affect both men and women but its treatment is similar and done with antifungal ointments in both cases, such as Candicort or Fluconazole, which should be applied 2 to 3 times a day for 3 to 14 days according to the doctor's indication.

It is also recommended:

  • Wear cotton underwear, as they allow the skin to breathe; Wash the genital area only with water and neutral soap or soap suitable for the region; Sleep without underwear whenever possible; Avoid tampons; Avoid having intimate unprotected contact during the treatment period.

These recommendations help to speed up the treatment, however, it is also possible to wash the genitals with barbatimão leaf tea or other home remedy to complete the treatment. See some examples of home remedies for candidiasis.

In addition to all this, eating a diet low in sugar also helps the body to fight the growth of fungi more easily, curing candidiasis faster. See what to eat to strengthen immunity and fight candida faster in this video:

In case the symptoms do not disappear after 2 weeks, it is advisable to go back to the doctor as it may be necessary to start treatment with antifungal pills, which help to fight the infection from the inside of the body, achieving better results than only with the ointments.

How to confirm if it is candidiasis

Although the symptoms can be easy to identify, there are other genital problems, such as vaginitis, herpes or gonorrhea, for example, that can cause similar symptoms.

Thus, the best way to confirm the diagnosis is to go to the gynecologist, in the case of women, or to the urologist in the case of men. Thus, in addition to identifying the problem, the doctor can also assess whether there is any cause and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

How to get candidiasis

Some factors that are associated with increased candidiasis risk include:

  • Frequent use of antibiotics, contraceptives and corticosteroids; Pregnancy or during menstruation; Diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, HPV and lupus that make the immune system weaker; Frequent use of tight or wet clothes; Do intimate hygiene more than 2 times a day and use absorbent for more than 3 hours straight.

A person may also be infected with the fungus and not know, as the disease usually manifests itself when the immune system is weakened.

Symptoms and treatments for genital candidiasis (with test)