Home Bulls Salts for oral rehydration

Salts for oral rehydration


The powder for oral rehydration is used in case of mild or moderate dehydration in adults and children, composed of sodium, potassium, glucose and citrate and is sold commercially under the names of Hidrafix; Floralyte and Pedialyte.

Indications of salts for oral rehydration

Dehydration, acute diarrhea in adults and children and for electrolyte replacement.

Price of salts for oral rehydration

The price of salts for oral rehydration varies between 5 and 15 reais.

Adverse Effects of Salts for Oral Rehydration

It can cause vomiting if taken quickly and excess sodium in the blood.

Contraindications of salts for oral rehydration

Individuals with low urinary output.

How to use salts for oral rehydration

Pour the contents of a sachet into a liter of filtered, cold water and drink it gradually or with each bowel movement or vomit.

Attention: After preparing the solution, drink within 24 hours. Do not add sugar or any other element in the preparation.

Salts for oral rehydration