Home Symptoms Symptoms of borderline syndrome (with online test)

Symptoms of borderline syndrome (with online test)


To find out if it is Borderline syndrome, also known as borderline personality disorder, it is necessary to be aware of symptoms such as mood swings and impulsivity, and whenever this psychological disorder is suspected, you should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to diagnose the problem and start proper treatment.

Usually, the first symptoms of Borderline personality appear during adolescence and can be confused with moments of rebellion common to young people, but in most cases they decrease in intensity in adulthood. To know the causes of this disorder read: Understand what borderline syndrome is.

Main symptoms

Some symptoms that may indicate Borderline Syndrome can be:

  • Exaggerated negative feelings, such as fear, shame, panic and anger in an exaggerated way for the real situation; Unstable interpretations about others, evaluating as a good person in an instant and quickly judging as a bad person; Fear of being abandoned by the closest people, mainly friends and family and, making threats in the case of being abandoned, as a suicide attempt; Difficulty in controlling emotions, being able to cry easily or having moments of enormous euphoria; Dependency behaviors, such as gambling, spending uncontrolled money, excessive consumption of food or drugs; Instability in the type of relationships you have with friends or family, ranging from great intimacy and distance; Low self-esteem considering themselves inferior to others; Impulsive and dangerous behaviors, such as unprotected intimate contact, drug abuse and disregard for social rules or laws, for example; Unstable employment; Insecurity in oneself and in others; Feeling of chronic emptiness and feelings of constant rejection; Difficulty accepting criticism, overestimating all situations. Relationships always very intense, but confused and disorganized.

Symptoms of Borderline Syndrome can arise due to routine events, such as going on vacation or changes in plans, causing feelings of intense revolt. However, they are more common in individuals who have had strong emotional experiences as a child, such as facing illness, death or situations of sexual abuse and neglect, for example.

Test online

If you have any of these symptoms, get tested:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Know your risk of developing borderline

Start the test

I almost always feel "empty".
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I frequently do one of the following activities: I drive dangerously, have unsafe sex, abuse alcohol or use drugs.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Sometimes, when I am stressed - especially when someone leaves me - I get very paranoid (o).
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I often expect too much from people.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Sometimes I get angry, extremely sarcastic and bitter, and I feel that I have a hard time controlling this anger.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I have self-harm, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts that threaten my life.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My goals can change at any time, and also the way I see myself and others.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I am afraid that others will abandon me or leave me, so I make frantic efforts to avoid this abandonment.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My mood changes completely from one hour to the next.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My point of view about others, especially those that are important to me, can change at any time.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I would say that most of my love relationships have been very intense, but not very stable.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I currently have problems in life that prevent me from going to school, working or being with my friends.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Consequences of Borderline Syndrome

The main consequences of this syndrome lead to relationships with the partner and with very unstable family members that lead to loss of ties, increasing the feeling of loneliness. Also, they may have difficulty keeping their jobs and develop financial difficulties, as they may develop addictions.

In addition, in more severe cases, constant suffering can lead to suicide attempt.

How to treat

Borderline Syndrome has no cure, but it can be controlled through treatment that is done by combining medications prescribed by the psychiatrist, such as mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, tranquilizers and anti-psychotics to help maintain well-being.

In addition, it is essential to maintain psychological therapy, guided by the psychologist to help the patient to reduce symptoms and learn to control emotions and impulsivity. The most widely used therapies are dialectical behavioral therapy, mainly for patients with suicidal behaviors, cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy and individual psychotherapy.

Due to the complexity of Borderline syndrome, psychological therapies can last for several months or even years.

Symptoms of borderline syndrome (with online test)