Home Symptoms Hiatal hernia symptoms and how to relieve

Hiatal hernia symptoms and how to relieve


The main symptoms of hiatus hernia are heartburn and burning in the throat, feeling of a full stomach after meals, frequent belching and difficulty swallowing, which arise due to the fact that a small portion of the stomach passes through the hiatus, which is the orifice present in the diaphragm which must pass through only the esophagus.

The symptoms of hiatal hernia are quite uncomfortable and, therefore, it is important that the doctor is consulted so that the most appropriate treatment can be indicated, in addition to ways to relieve symptoms, such as changes in diet and changes in habits, for example..

Symptoms of hiatal hernia

The symptoms of hiatal hernia are mainly due to gastroesophageal reflux, which happens because the stomach does not close properly and the gastric acid is able to rise up to the esophagus, burning its walls. Thus, symptoms are usually more intense after meals, especially when they are composed of fatty, spicy, fried foods or alcoholic beverages.

The main signs and symptoms of hiatus hernia are:

  • Heartburn and burning in the throat; Chest pain; Feeling of vomiting; Frequent belching; Difficulty swallowing; Persistent dry cough; Bitter taste in the mouth; Bad breath; Feeling of a full stomach after meals.

As the symptoms of hiatal hernia can be easily confused with those of infarction and due to the fact that they are quite uncomfortable, it is important to go to the gastroenterologist or the general practitioner so that the diagnosis can be made and the appropriate treatment started.

To conclude the hiatal hernia diagnosis, the gastroenterologist or general practitioner indicates that tests such as X-rays and endoscopy are performed, in addition to evaluating the signs and symptoms presented by the person and analyzing the results of other tests that may have been requested to rule out other hypotheses.

Main causes

Although there is no specific cause for the development of a herniated hiatus, this change is more frequent in people over 50, overweight or pregnant women, possibly due to weakening of the diaphragm or increased pressure in the abdomen.

In addition, there is still a rarer type of hiatal hernia that affects only newborns, due to a lack of development of the stomach or diaphragm.

How to relieve symptoms

The best way to relieve symptoms is to make some changes to the diet, and the person should avoid eating very large meals and avoid eating very fatty or spicy foods. In addition, one should also avoid lying down after eating and raising the head of the bed to sleep, to allow the stomach contents not to go up into the esophagus. Check out a more complete list of what to avoid.

In some cases, the gastroenterologist may also prescribe gastric protective drugs, such as Omeprazole or Pantoprazole, to protect the walls of the esophagus and relieve symptoms. In the most severe cases, in which the symptoms do not improve with changes in diet or the use of medication, surgery may still be necessary to try to correct the hiatal hernia. Learn more about hiatal hernia treatment.

See also some tips that help to relieve hiatal hernia symptoms in the following video:

Hiatal hernia symptoms and how to relieve