Home Bulls Genital herpes symptoms and remedies used in treatment

Genital herpes symptoms and remedies used in treatment


Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is caught through intimate vaginal, anal or oral contact and is more frequent in adolescents and adults between the ages of 14 and 49, due to the practice of intimate contact without a condom.

Although genital herpes has no cure, since it is not possible to eliminate the herpes virus from the body, it is possible to treat it with antiviral pills or ointments, to relieve symptoms and prevent the appearance of blisters on the skin.

How to identify

The main symptoms that can appear in men and women are:

  • Red or pink pellets in the genital area that break after about 2 days, releasing a transparent liquid; Rough skin; Pain, burning, tingling and intense itching; Burning when urinating or difficulty urinating.

Symptoms can take 2 to 10 days to appear, and the first attack is usually more severe than the following. However, the person may be infected and have no symptoms, and can transmit the virus through unprotected intimate contact.

For this reason, whenever there is a suspicion of infection with genital herpes, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, in the case of women, or a urologist, in the case of men, to initiate the appropriate treatment.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for genital herpes should always be guided by a gynecologist or urologist and usually includes taking antiviral pills, such as acyclovir (Hervirax, Zovirax), fanciclovir (Penvir) or valacyclovir (Valtrex, Herpstal).

During treatment it is advisable to avoid intimate contact because, even using a condom, the virus can pass from one person to another, if any of the lesions comes into direct contact with the other person.

Learn more about the treatment of genital herpes.

Home treatment

Natural treatment can be performed to complement treatment with medicines. You can make a sitz bath with marjoram or witch hazel tea, about 4 times a day, because it helps to reduce pain, inflammation and fight the virus caused by genital infection. Learn how to prepare tea to treat genital herpes.

How to get genital herpes

Transmission usually occurs through intimate contact without a condom, due to direct contact with the blisters caused by herpes. However, it can also happen even with the use of condoms, as the lesions can be discovered during contact.

In addition, contagion can also occur from the mother to the baby during normal delivery, especially if, during labor, the woman has herpes sores.

Is genital herpes in pregnancy dangerous?

Genital herpes in pregnancy can cause miscarriage or growth retardation during pregnancy. for example. Treatment should be done during pregnancy, with antiviral drugs indicated by the obstetrician, to prevent transmission to the baby.

In addition, baby contagion can be prevented by giving birth by cesarean section. Find out more details on how to avoid contagion of the baby.

Genital herpes symptoms and remedies used in treatment