Home Symptoms Hyperglycemia symptoms and what to do

Hyperglycemia symptoms and what to do


Most of the time, hyperglycemia does not cause symptoms, only when blood sugar levels are very high or when this elevation is persistent, an increase in hunger, dry mouth, increased urination, drowsiness and excessive tiredness can be noticed.

Hyperglycemia is considered when the amount of glucose in the blood is greater than 110 mg / dL on an empty stomach or greater than 200 mg / dL at any time of the day. Therefore, it is important that people with diabetes carry out glucose measurements every day.

Hyperglycemia Symptoms

Hyperglycemia symptoms are usually noticeable when blood glucose levels are constantly increased, the main ones being:

  • Dry mouth; Excessive thirst; Too much urge to urinate; Excessive and frequent hunger; Tiredness; Headache; Nausea; Drowsiness; Difficulty breathing; Tingling in the hands or feet; Blurred vision.

In the face of hyperglycemia, it is important to inject insulin in the belly or go immediately to the hospital to take the necessary measures. To avoid this being necessary, it is important to measure blood glucose frequently. Understand why hyperglycemia happens.

What to do

To control hyperglycemia, it is important to have good lifestyle habits, practicing physical activities regularly and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, giving preference to whole foods and vegetables and avoiding foods rich in carbohydrates or sugars. It is also important to consult a nutritionist to make an eating plan according to the person's characteristics so that there is no nutrient deficiency.

In the case of having diabetes, it is also important that medications are taken according to the doctor's guidance, in addition to the daily dosage of blood glucose several times a day, as it is thus possible to check the blood sugar concentrations during the day and, thus, it is possible to assess the need to go to the hospital, for example.

When blood glucose is too high, it may be indicated by the doctor that an injection of insulin is given in an attempt to regulate sugar levels. This type of treatment is more common in the case of type 2 diabetes, while in the case of type 1 diabetes the use of drugs such as Metformin, Glibenclamide and Glimepiride, for example, is indicated.

Learn how to identify hyperglycemia and how to lower blood sugar levels.

Hyperglycemia symptoms and what to do