Home Symptoms How to tell if it's a urinary tract infection

How to tell if it's a urinary tract infection


Symptoms of urinary tract infection, such as pain or burning when urinating, can vary from person to person as the infection can affect the urethra, bladder or kidneys.

If you think you may have a urinary tract infection, select what you are feeling and see the risk of having an infection:

  1. 1. Pain or burning sensation when urinating Yes No
  2. 2. Frequent and sudden urge to urinate in small quantities Yes No
  3. 3. Feeling of not being able to empty your bladder Yes No
  4. 4. Feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the bladder area Yes No
  5. 5. Cloudy or bloody urine Yes No
  6. 6. Persistent low fever (between 37.5º and 38º) Yes No

Generally, urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria from the intestine that reach the urinary system, which is why it is more frequent in women due to the proximity of the anus to the urethra.

Treatment for urinary tract infection should be guided by a urologist and usually includes taking antibiotics, such as Ceftriaxone, because when it is not properly treated, it can reach the kidneys, which is a more serious complication.

Types of urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection can be classified as:

1. Urethritis: infection in the urethra

Urethritis arises when bacteria only infect the urethra, causing inflammation and symptoms such as:

  • Frequent desire to urinate; Difficulty starting to urinate; Pain or burning to urinate; Yellowish discharge in the urethra.

In these cases it is advisable to consult a urologist to start treatment with antibiotics, in order to eliminate bacteria from the urethra. However, the intimate area must also be kept clean and dry, as well as increasing water intake.

See also a home remedy to help eliminate symptoms faster.

2. Cystitis: bladder infection

Bladder infection is the most common form of urinary tract infection and occurs when bacteria manage to pass the urethra and reach the bladder, causing:

  • Urgent desire to urinate, but in small quantities; Burning sensation when urinating; Presence of blood in the urine; Cloudy urine with intense and unpleasant smell; Abdominal pain or feeling of heaviness in the bottom of the belly; Fever from 37.5 to 38ºC.

It is recommended to consult a urologist as soon as one or more of these symptoms appear to initiate the appropriate treatment with antibiotics, in order to prevent the infection from spreading to the kidneys.

In case of back pain, fever above 38 ºC or vomiting, go to the emergency room immediately.

Learn more about how this problem is treated.

3. Pyelonephritis: kidney infection

Most urinary infections affect only the urethra or bladder, however, in the most severe cases, the bacteria can reach the kidneys and cause a more serious infection, which leads to:

  • Fever above 38.5º C; Strong pain in the belly, back or groin; Pain or burning when urinating; Cloudy urine; Presence of pus or blood in the urine; Frequent desire to urinate.

In addition, chills, nausea, vomiting and excessive tiredness may also appear. In the elderly, this type of infection usually causes confusion even before the other symptoms appear.

If pyelonephritis is suspected, it is important to go to the hospital immediately to identify the problem and start antibiotic treatment directly in the vein.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection in baby

Identifying the symptoms of a urinary tract infection in your baby can be difficult as babies and children cannot explain what they are feeling. However, in these cases the most common signs are:

  • Fever above 37.5ºC for no apparent reason; Crying when urinating; Urine with an intense smell; Presence of blood in the diaper; Constant irritability; Decreased appetite.

Whenever these symptoms appear, it is important to consult the pediatrician to assess the possibility that the baby is developing a urinary tract infection. Understand how the treatment is done in these cases.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection in pregnancy

The symptoms of urinary tract infection in pregnancy are the same as when you are not pregnant. But, during pregnancy, the infection is more common, due to the low immune system and the increase of proteins in the urine that cause greater growth and development of bacteria.

Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy can be done by taking antibiotic drugs that do not affect pregnancy and that include Cefaclor, Cefadroxil and Cefalotina. Find out more about the remedies used to treat urinary tract infections in pregnancy.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis is made by testing for urinary tract infection or examining urine. Tests such as routine urine, urine culture and antibiogram can be performed to find out which bacteria are involved to decide the best antibiotic.

Other imaging tests, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, may be ordered in case of pyelonephritis to identify possible complications caused by urinary tract infection. These complications can happen when the treatment is not started as soon as the symptoms appear, and in case of people with weakened immune system, being a rarer situation to happen.

What causes urinary tract infection

The cause of Urinary Infection is the entry of bacteria into the urinary system, among the most common are: Escherichia coli (about 70% of cases) , Staphylococcus saprophyticus , Proteus and Klebsiella species and Enterococcus faecalis . These bacteria can enter the urethra causing symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, burning and urgency to urinate, and when they continue to rise, reaching the bladder and kidneys, symptoms such as fever or chills, in addition to drops of blood in the urine.

Is urinary infection transmissible?

Urinary tract infection is not an easily transmitted disease, and although a person's urethra has bacteria, these bacteria may not proliferate in their partner, however, it depends on the partner's immune system. Healthy people are much less likely to be infected during sexual intercourse, but the chances are increased when they have a weakened immune system.

Treatment for urinary tract infection

The treatment is done with the use of antibiotics indicated by the doctor, being the most indicated form of treatment. The treatment lasts 7-10 days, it is important to take the medicine until the date informed by the doctor, even if the symptoms disappear before that. It is also important to drink more water, because the more urine the body produces, the more easily bacteria are eliminated in the urine. Know the names of some remedies for urinary tract infection.

Check out more tips in our video below:

How to prevent urinary tract infection

To avoid urinary tract infection it is advised:

  • Wash the external genital region with soap and water after sexual intercourse; After urinating and defecating, always clean the intimate region from front to back, in order to prevent the arrival of E. Coli bacteria in the vagina, since it is present in the vagina. anal and peri anal region, being the main cause of urinary tract infection; Empty your bladder completely every time you urinate to avoid residual urine that increases the chances of urinary tract infection; Drink more water, drinking at least 1.5 L of clear fluids per maintain a diet rich in fiber to decrease the time the stool stays inside the intestine, which decreases the amount of bacteria inside it; do not use perfume or scented cream in the vagina area as this can irritate the skin and increase the risk of urinary infection; keep the vulva region always dry, avoiding wearing tight clothing and absorbent daily, in order to reduce perspiration in this location.

These advice should be followed daily, especially during pregnancy, when there is a greater risk of urinary tract infection due to hormonal changes and due to the increased weight on the bladder, which favors the proliferation of bacteria.

How to tell if it's a urinary tract infection