Home Symptoms Cracked feet can be poor circulation

Cracked feet can be poor circulation


The main symptoms of poor circulation in the legs are swelling in the ankles, the presence of varicose veins and cracks in the heel and the feeling of heavy legs.

Poor circulation mainly affects the elderly and women, especially those who are pregnant or who use the birth control pill, but it can also affect people of other ages, being also common in people with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.

To identify this problem, one must be aware of the presence of symptoms such as:

  • Cold, dry or scaly skin; Itchy legs; Red spots on the legs; Presence of varicose veins; Swollen feet and ankles; Pale or bluish color in places of poor circulation; Cramps in the legs; Tingling or numbness sensation; Absence of hair on the legs; Cracks in the heels.

These symptoms worsen mainly at the end of the day or after sitting or standing for long periods, and they improve upon waking up in the morning, as lying down during sleep favors circulation.

How the treatment is done

The start of treatment for poor circulation should be done with regular physical activity and dietary changes, with an increase in consumption of foods rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, such as orange, lemon, kiwi, garlic and beet, for example.. See more foods that can help improve blood circulation.

In addition, treatment may also include the use of home remedies, such as gorse teas, biloba and garlic ginkgo, lymphatic drainage, leg and foot massages, or pressotherapy, which uses leg apparatus to improve circulation during sessions treatment.

In some cases, the doctor may also recommend the use of compression stockings or prescribe medications, such as Diosmin or Velunid, for example, which contain diosmin and hesperidin in the composition, which act in the veins of the circulatory system, improving venous tone, microcirculation and blood vessel resistance.

It is also important to remember that avoiding smoking and reducing alcohol consumption helps to improve blood vessel health and reduce swelling in the legs.

Cracked feet can be poor circulation