Home Symptoms Reflux symptoms: how to identify in adults and babies

Reflux symptoms: how to identify in adults and babies


Reflux symptoms can appear minutes or a few hours after eating, and can be characterized by burning in the stomach, belching, heartburn and feeling of heaviness in the stomach, for example.

Reflux corresponds to the return of the contents of the stomach to the esophagus towards the larynx and mouth, leading to constant inflammation of the esophageal wall. This situation can happen in adults as well as in children, being the main sign of reflux in baby the strokes after suckling.

How to know if it is reflux

In addition to the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and burning, other signs and symptoms may appear, the main ones being:

  • Burning in the stomach that can go up to the throat; Burning pain in the stomach, chest and / or throat; Feeling of heaviness in the stomach; Belching; Heartburn; Indigestion; Frequent dry cough after eating; Difficulty swallowing food; Laryngitis; asthma.

Symptoms tend to get worse when the body is bent down to pick up something from the floor, for example, or when the person remains in a horizontal position after a meal, as occurs at bedtime. Constant reflux can cause intense inflammation in the wall of the esophagus, called esophagitis, which, if not treated properly, can even lead to cancer. Understand what esophagitis is and what to do to treat it.

Reflux symptoms in babies

Reflux in infants also causes food contents to return from the stomach towards the mouth, so some of the signs and symptoms that may indicate this are constant vomiting, restless sleep, difficulty breastfeeding and gaining weight and hoarseness due to inflammation of the larynx.

In addition, the baby may develop recurrent ear infections due to frequent inflammation of the airways or even aspiration pneumonia due to the entry of food into the lungs. Know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of reflux in babies.

What to do if you have reflux

In case of suspected reflux, it is necessary to seek assistance from the general practitioner, gastroenterologist or pediatrician, who will be able to evaluate the symptoms, the physical examination and, if necessary, request tests such as gastric pH test or digestive endoscopy, for example.

Treatment is done with drugs to block stomach acid, such as Omeprazole or Ranitidine. It is also very important to make changes in the diet, avoiding foods that facilitate reflux, such as fats, fried foods, tomato sauce, mint, coffee and pepper, in addition to being recommended to avoid bulky meals, alcoholic drinks or to lie down right after eating. See how to fight reflux.

See also in the video below some tips to get rid of reflux naturally:

Reflux symptoms: how to identify in adults and babies