Home Symptoms Symptoms of the common cold and how to cure

Symptoms of the common cold and how to cure


The symptoms of the common cold start between the 1st and the 3rd day, after contact with the virus, and include:

  • Discomfort in the nose or throat; Sneezing and runny nose with watery and transparent discharge; Feeling of general malaise; Catarrh with a greenish-yellow color; Frequent cough.

Usually, the symptoms of the common cold disappear between the 4th and the 10th day after infection, which happens, especially, after exposure to the cold. The main difference between the flu and the cold is the intensity of the symptoms, which in the flu are more intense and include fever. In case of a cold, the symptoms are more subtle and easier to treat. Check out more differences between flu and cold here.

How to cure the common cold

Treatment for the common cold is simple and consists of strengthening the body's defenses and fighting symptoms. Some solutions are:

  • Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin C such as orange, pineapple, strawberry and acerola; Take a chicken soup for dinner, Cold remedies, such as Apracur, under the recommendation of the doctor or pharmacist.

In addition, it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, avoid the consumption of frozen foods and focus on hydration. See some homemade teas to drink when you have a cold by watching our video:

Home remedy for colds

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and works by strengthening the body's defenses and helping in faster recovery from the cold.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Method of preparation

Make a juice with the orange and lemon and then add the propolis and honey. Then drink it so that the vitamin C in this juice is not lost. Take 2 glasses of this juice a day.

What causes the cold

The cold can be caused by viruses such as picornavirus or rhinovirus, and exposure to cold itself does not cause a cold or increase an individual's susceptibility to infection by a respiratory virus. The cold virus can spread through fine droplets that are released into the air when a sick person sneezes, coughs or blows his nose, which is why the cold is a contagious disease.

How to prevent the common cold

The best measures to prevent colds involve good hygiene. Therefore, wash your hands frequently and you can also use disinfectant solutions.

The symptoms of the common cold begin between 1 and 3 days after contact with secretions or with surfaces contaminated by someone with the infection, that is, someone with the flu.

A person with a cold should remain warm and comfortable and should try to prevent the transmission of the infection to others, limiting being in public places whenever possible, especially in the initial phase. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to keep the fluid secretions to be easier to expel.

Symptoms of the common cold and how to cure