Home Symptoms Parrot beaks

Parrot beaks


Parrot beaks, as osteophytes that appear in the spine's vertebrae are popularly known, cause intense back pain and tingling, which can appear in the arms or legs.

The disease, scientifically defined by osteophytosis, is called a parrot's beak because when a spine radiography is taken, they have the shape of a hook that is similar to this bird's beak. Osteophytosis gets worse over the years and has no cure, but there are treatments that can include pain relievers and physical therapy to relieve pain.

Main symptoms

Some of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of 'parrot beaks' include:

  • Severe pain located in the back or radiating to the thigh, especially when moving; Tingling sensation in the legs when it develops in the lower back or in the arms if it is located in the cervical; Decreased muscle strength.

These symptoms are common to other osteoarticular diseases mainly of the spine and to confirm the diagnosis it is essential to go to the orthopedist to perform an X-ray of the spine or MRI.

Through these imaging exams the doctor detects the wear of the intervertebral disc, approximation between the vertebrae and the formation of prominences in the lateral region of the vertebrae similar to the parrot's beak.

How is the treatment

To relieve the pain and discomfort that this problem causes the doctor may recommend the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Diclofenac. However, a correct posture must be maintained to prevent the disease from getting worse and, in some cases, it may also be necessary to undergo physical therapy at least 4 times a week to improve posture and decrease pain. See how not to harm the spine.

In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct spinal misalignment.

See in the video some tips that can help relieve back pain at home:

How they form

Due to aging and bad postures over the years, there are wear and tear on the intervertebral disc that make the vertebrae get very close, leading to the formation of new bone structures that form at the edges of the vertebrae. These new structures are scientifically called osteophytes and are a way for the body to try to defend itself.

Parrots are usually the result of poor postures over several years. However, they can also arise due to problems such as hernias, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis, for example.

This problem is more common from the age of 45 due to the wear and tear of the spinal discs that occurs with aging. In addition, it is more frequent when you are overweight, do not practice physical activity or have never practiced, and have already suffered trauma to the spine or if you have a rheumatic disease.

How to avoid

To avoid the formation of it is important to take some precautions, such as:

  • Maintain a correct posture when sitting, walking and sleeping; Avoid picking up heavy loads; Have an appropriate weight and, if necessary, lose weight; Practice regular physical activity, especially exercises with little impact such as water aerobics, Pilates or cycling.

So, for those who already have a parrot's spine on their spine, the best tip is to make sure it doesn't get worse and do physical therapy to reduce back pain.

Parrot beaks