Home Symptoms Symptoms similar to candidiasis (but not)

Symptoms similar to candidiasis (but not)


Candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus Candida Albicans and affects mainly the genital region of men and women and is more common in people with low immunity, who constantly use immunosuppressive drugs or who use antibiotics frequently.

The main symptoms of this disease are itching, discharge, whitish plaques, redness, swelling in the genital region and pain when urinating or in intimate relationships, however, these signs do not always confirm the diagnosis of candidiasis, as they are often related to the appearance of other diseases.

Therefore, if a person has any of these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a urologist or gynecologist who can indicate that some tests are carried out to confirm the type of disease and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

1. Vaginal discharge

The presence of transparent vaginal discharge is a very common situation in women and can vary from one person to another, as well as it can change depending on the days of the menstrual cycle, type of vaginal flora, sexual and hygiene habits, food and use of hormonal contraceptives, lubricants or intimate soaps.

When the discharge turns to a milky white, more yellowish color or when whitish plaques appear in the genital region it can be a sign of candidiasis, however, this can also indicate the presence of some sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or bacterial vaginosis.

In bacterial vaginosis, the vaginal discharge present tends to have a foul odor and is very evident after intimate intercourse, with the main bacteria caused by this infection being Gardnerella mobiluncus sp. See more other symptoms of Gardnerella mobiluncus sp and how the treatment is done.

2. Pain or burning sensation when urinating

The presence of pain or burning when urinating is a very recurrent symptom in candidiasis, however if this pain is accompanied by the need to go to the bathroom very often or if the pain starts to appear in the lower belly, it may be a sign of urinary tract infection. Learn more other symptoms of urinary tract infection and how to treat.

In addition, if the urine has a strong odor and dark color, it is important to consult a gynecologist or general practitioner to indicate the performance of blood and urine tests and, in most cases, it will be necessary to use medicines to relieve pain and antibiotics. for a minimum period of 7 days.

Gonorrhea can also cause pain when urinating and, in these cases, it is also possible to check for the presence of purulent secretion in the genital region. This disease is a type of sexually transmitted infection and to prevent it from happening, a condom should be used.

3. Itching in the genital region

Itching in the genital region, also called itching, is the main symptom of fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans, as this microorganism causes a local reaction that leads to irritation of the mucous membranes.

However, this clinical manifestation can be found in other diseases of the vagina region, for example, as in genital herpes and other sexually transmitted infections such as bacterial vaginosis. Check out more other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

Some personal habits can cause itching or make this symptom worse, such as wearing tight, synthetic clothes that make the genital area very hot and poorly ventilated. The application of creams or flavored products can cause allergies in the vagina or penis and also cause severe itching. Therefore, when genital itching occurs, it is necessary to consult a urologist or gynecologist to make the correct diagnosis and indicate the correct treatment.

4. Discomfort or pain in intimate contact

Dyspareunia, or pain during sexual intercourse, can be a symptom of candidiasis due to irritation caused by the fungus that causes the infection, however, this discomfort can also indicate other health problems that are not candidiasis.

The lack of lubrication during intimate contact can cause pain in the vaginal region, for example, as this increases the friction of the sexual organs and it is necessary to use water-based lubricants, without flavorings or other chemicals.

Vulvodynia is another condition that leads to the appearance of pain and discomfort during intimate relationships, as it is characterized by inflammation of the nerves close to the genital region, changes in the sensitivity of the location and hormonal changes. See how the diagnosis of vulvodynia is made and which treatment is indicated.

5. Redness in the genital region

The genital region may be irritated and red in the presence of candidiasis, but this can also occur in other health problems such as allergies caused by a product applied on the outside, including aesthetic creams, oils, condom latex or the use of condoms. some medicine.

Most of the time, allergies are treated with antiallergic remedies, however, in the case of diseases such as atopic, contact dermatitis or scleroatrophic lichen, use of corticosteroids may be necessary. Therefore, if the redness is intense and does not improve with the use of antiallergic agents, it is important to consult a gynecologist to understand the cause of this symptom and start the most appropriate treatment.

What to do in case of suspected candidiasis?

Although these symptoms indicate other diseases, the chances of the person having candidiasis are great, especially if they show all these signs at the same time, so it is best to seek a gynecologist to have a gynecological examination to confirm the diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment. indicated.

Symptoms similar to candidiasis (but not)