Home Bulls Adult sorin (naphazoline hydrochloride): what it is, how to use it and side effects

Adult sorin (naphazoline hydrochloride): what it is, how to use it and side effects


Sorine is a medicine that can be used in cases of nasal congestion to clear the nose and facilitate breathing. There are two main types of this medicine:

  • Adult Sorine: contains naphazoline, a fast-acting decongestant; Sorine spray: contains only sodium chloride and helps to clean the nose.

In the case of Sorine spray, this medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription and can be used by adults and children. As for adult Sorine, as it contains an active substance, it can only be purchased with a prescription and should only be used in adults.

Due to its nasal decongestant effect, this remedy can be indicated by the doctor in situations of colds, allergies, rhinitis or sinusitis, for example.

What is it for

Sorine is used to treat nasal congestion in situations such as flu, colds, allergic nasal conditions, rhinitis and sinusitis.

How to use

The recommended dose for adult Sorine is 2 to 4 drops in each nostril, 4 to 6 times a day, and the maximum dose of 48 drops per day should not be exceeded, and the intervals of administration should be longer than 3 hours.

In the case of Sorine spray, the dosage is more flexible, so you should follow the guidelines of a health professional.

Mechanism of action

The adult Sorine has nafazoline in its composition, which acts on the adrenergic receptors of the mucosa, generating nasal vascular constriction, limiting blood flow, thus reducing edema and obstruction, which results in the relief of nasal congestion.

Sorine spray, on the other hand, contains only 0.9% sodium chloride which helps to fluidize secretions and eliminate mucus trapped in the nose, helping to relieve nasal congestion.

Who should not use

This remedy is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, people with glaucoma, and should not be used in pregnant women, without medical advice.

In addition, adult Sorine should not be used in children under the age of 12.

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects that can occur while using Sorine are local burning and burning and transient sneezing, nausea and headache.

Adult sorin (naphazoline hydrochloride): what it is, how to use it and side effects