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What is it for and how to make whey at home


Whey is rich in BCAAs, which are essential amino acids that enhance muscle hypertrophy and reduce the feeling of muscle fatigue, allowing greater dedication in training and increased muscle mass. In the whey there is also lactose, which is the milk sugar which makes it an excellent rehydrator during training, indicated for those who are not lactose intolerant.

It is possible to manufacture and use whey at home, adding it to recipes for breads, pancakes, cookies, soups and vitamins. liquid portion obtained during cheese making, being the source of production of proteins known as whey protein, one of the most used to help in gaining muscle mass and reducing body fat. In addition, he

In addition, when removing the whey, there is a type of white cheese low in calories and fats, much used in diets to control cholesterol and lose weight. Whey is also widely present in curds, a food that can be used in place of yogurt.

Benefits of Whey

Regular consumption of whey has the following health benefits:

  1. Stimulate muscle mass gain, especially in people who practice physical activity regularly and in the elderly; Accelerate muscle recovery after training; Reduce muscle breakdown, as it is rich in BCAAs; Assist in weight loss as it reduces the production of body fat and the feeling of hunger; Favor the maintenance of muscle mass during diets for weight loss; Help maintain bone health, as it is rich in calcium; Improve the mood, for being rich in tryptophan, the precursor of a brain hormone that gives the feeling of well-being; Help in controlling blood pressure, by keeping blood vessels relaxed; Strengthen the immune system by containing antibodies.

It is important to remember that the consumption of whey protein supplement, available in supermarkets, pharmacies and stores of nutrition products, should be done according to the nutritionist's guidance. To better understand how this supplement works, see How to take Whey protein to gain muscle mass.

Nutritional composition

The following table shows the nutritional composition of 100 ml of whey.

Quantity: 100 ml whey
Carbohydrate: 4 g
Protein: 1 g
Fat: 0 g
Fibers: 0 g
Calcium: 104 mg
Phosphor: 83.3 mg

Whey with a sweet or acidic flavor, depending on the process used to separate the whey from the whey, with acid whey having the highest concentration of minerals.

How to get whey at home

The easiest way to obtain whey at home is through curd production, as shown below:


  • 1 liter of milk (cannot use carton milk, also called UHT) 5 and 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice

Instead of vinegar or lemon, you can use the specific rennet for curd, which is sold in the supermarket and must be used according to the label's instructions.

Method of preparation:

Mix the milk and vinegar or lemon juice in a pan and let it rest at room temperature until it curds. After forming the rennet clots, the clots must be broken with the help of a spoon. Let it rest again until more serum is formed. To drain all the serum, you must remove the serum with the aid of a ladle, separating it from the solid part that was formed. If necessary, strain the removed serum with a sieve.

The rennet can also be used to make cheese and remove whey. The process is similar, but rennet is used instead of vinegar, giving rise to a sweet whey. See also how to make creamy cheese and homemade cheese and know its benefits.

How to use whey

The whey obtained at home must be stored in the refrigerator and can be added in preparations such as vitamins, soups and pancakes. In soups, add 1/3 of whey for every 2/3 of water. In addition, it can be used to hydrate grains like beans, lentils and soybeans, adding more nutrients to the meal.

Whey made from vinegar or lemon juice tastes sour, while whey made from rennet bought at the supermarket tastes sweeter.

Whey Bread


  • 1 and 3/4 cups of whey tea extracted from cheese or milk1 whole egg1 tablespoon of sugar1 / 2 tablespoon of salt1 / 4 cup of oil15 g of yeast450 g of whole wheat flour

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients in the blender, except wheat flour, for about 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the wheat flour until it becomes a homogeneous dough. Place the dough in a rectangular greased loaf pan and cover with a cloth. Separate a small dumpling and place in a glass with water. When the ball rises, the dough is ready to bake in a medium oven preheated to 200ÂșC for about 35 minutes or until the bread is ready.

See other foods used to gain muscle mass.

What is it for and how to make whey at home