Home Symptoms Pepper Spray

Pepper Spray


Pepper spray is a tear agent because it is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes causing excessive production of tears, pain and temporary blindness, which is used by security forces for crowd control and in some countries, for self-defense. It is made up of natural pepper extract and oil-based substance, and is packaged in the form of a spray or pumps with a moral effect.

First aid in case of exposure to pepper spray

First aid in case of exposure to pepper spray are:

  • Stimulate the production of tears and wash the eyes with abundant water; Wash the skin with water and detergent until the complete removal of the contents.

Washing the skin with water alone is not enough as it is an oily product.

Effects of pepper spray

The effects of pepper spray include:

  • Burning and burning in the skin, eyes, mouth, throat; Blurred, blurred vision, momentary blindness; There may be cough.
Pepper Spray