Home Symptoms Streptococcus pyogenes: symptoms and treatment (of the main diseases)

Streptococcus pyogenes: symptoms and treatment (of the main diseases)


The main diseases related to Streptococcus pyogenes are inflammation of the throat, such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis, and which, when not properly treated, may favor the spread of the bacteria to other parts of the body, which can lead to more serious diseases, such as rheumatic fever and toxic shock syndrome, for example.

The symptoms of the infection vary according to the location where the bacteria is present, with mainly skin manifestations and involving the throat, for example. Usually the treatment is done with the use of antibiotics and, depending on the situation, it may be necessary to perform a small surgery, as happens in tonsillitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.

Streptococcus pyogenes , or S. pyogenes , is a gram positive bacterium, which can be found naturally in people, especially in the mouth, throat and in the respiratory system, causing no signs or symptoms. However, due to its location, it can be easily transmitted from person to person through the sharing of cutlery, secretions or by sneezing and coughing, for example, making it easier to have disease. Learn more about Streptococcus .

1. Pharyngitis

Bacterial pharyngitis is inflammation of the throat caused by bacteria of the genus Streptococcus , mainly Streptococcus pyogenes. It is important that pharyngitis is identified and treated in order to prevent complications, such as rheumatic fever, for example.

Main symptoms: The main symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis are severe sore throat, painful sores on the neck, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite and high fever. Know other symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis.

Treatment: Treatment for bacterial pharyngitis is done with antibiotics for about 10 days, as directed by the doctor, in addition to medications that help to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms.

2. Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils, which are the lymph nodes present in the back of the throat that are responsible for the defense of the body against infections, caused mainly by bacteria of the genus Streptococcus , usually Streptococcus pyogenes .

Main symptoms: S. pyogenes tonsillitis causes sore throat, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite and fever, in addition to the presence of white spots in the throat, which is indicative of inflammation by bacteria. Here's how to identify bacterial tonsillitis.

Treatment: It is recommended that bacterial tonsillitis be treated with antibiotics according to the doctor's recommendation, with most of the time the use of Penicillin or derivatives is indicated. In addition, one way to relieve discomfort caused by tonsillitis is by gargling with salt water, for example.

Surgery to remove the tonsils, called tonsillectomy, is only recommended by the doctor in case of recurrent inflammation, that is, when the person has several episodes of bacterial tonsillitis throughout the year.

3. Impetigo

Impetigo is a skin infection caused by bacteria that can be found naturally on the skin and in the respiratory tract, such as Streptococcus pyogenes , for example. This disease is highly contagious and is more frequent in children, so it is important that if the child shows any sign of impetigo, he / she stops going to school and avoid being in an environment with many people to avoid contamination of more people.

Main symptoms: Impetigo symptoms usually arise due to a decrease in the immune system, resulting in the proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of small, localized blisters, usually on the face, which can break and leave red marks on the skin, in addition to the formation of crust in the injury.

Treatment: The treatment for impetigo is done according to the doctor's guidance, and it is usually indicated to apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound site 3 to 4 times a day. It is important that treatment is carried out according to the doctor's guidance to prevent the bacteria from reaching the bloodstream and reaching other organs, in addition to preventing the contamination of more people. Understand how treatment for impetigo is done.

4. Erysipelas

Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes that is more common in people over 50, overweight people and diabetics. Erysipelas is curable when treatment is started quickly according to the guidance of the general practitioner or dermatologist.

Main symptoms: Erysipelas is characterized by the appearance of red wounds on the face, arms or legs that are quite painful and, if left untreated, there may be accumulation of pus and tissue death, in addition to favoring the entry of S. pyogenes and other bacteria in the body.

Treatment: To treat erysipelas it is important to follow the treatment recommended by the general practitioner or dermatologist, and the use of antibiotics such as Penicillin is usually indicated. See more about the treatment of Erysipelas.

5. Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever is an autoimmune disease that can occur as a result of infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. That's because in this situation the antibodies produced against the bacteria can reach other organs and cause inflammation in various tissues in the body. Learn how to identify rheumatic fever.

Main symptoms: The main symptoms of rheumatic fever are joint pain, muscle weakness, involuntary movements and changes in the heart and heart valves.

Treatment: If the person has had pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by S. pyogenes and has not done the appropriate treatment, it is possible that the bacteria may continue to circulate and, if predisposed, develop rheumatic fever. Therefore, it is important that S. pyogenes be treated with an injection of Benzetacil to prevent the development of this disease.

In confirmed cases of rheumatic fever, the general practitioner or cardiologist may recommend the use of antibiotics and medications to relieve the symptoms of inflammation, such as Ibuprofen and Prednisone, for example. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of fluids during treatment and have a balanced diet, so that it is possible to recover faster.

6. Necrotizing fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare, extensive and rapidly evolving infection, characterized by the entry of the bacteria, most often Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes , into the body through a wound, which spreads quickly and leads to tissue necrosis.

Main symptoms: The main symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis are high fever, severe and localized pain, the presence of blisters, excessive tiredness and worsening of the appearance of the wound.

Treatment: If the person realizes that an injury is taking time to heal or that its appearance is getting worse over time, it is important to go to the doctor to investigate the cause and the diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis can be concluded. It is usually recommended by the doctor to administer antibiotics directly into the vein, to speed up the elimination of the responsible bacteria and thus avoid complications. In some cases, it may be necessary to surgically overturn the affected tissue to prevent the bacteria from spreading further.

7. Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome is characterized by the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream that can progressively lead to organ failure. This syndrome is usually related to Staphylococcus aureus , however there has been an increase in cases of Toxic Shock Syndrome due to Streptococcus pyogenes .

The confirmation of the Toxic Shock Syndrome by S. pyogenes is made through a microbiological examination, usually blood culture, in which the presence of the bacterium in the blood is verified, in addition to the evaluation of the symptoms presented by the patient, such as low blood pressure, kidney changes, problems blood clotting, liver problems and tissue necrosis, for example.

Main symptoms: The initial symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome are fever, red rashes and hypotension. If the infection is not treated, there may still be multiple organ failure and, consequently, death.

Treatment: The most indicated in the Toxic Shock Syndrome is to seek the guidance of a general practitioner or infectious disease so that treatment can be started as soon as possible, as this way it is possible to eliminate the bacteria and prevent organ failure.

How diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of infection by Streptococcus pyogenes is made by the doctor according to the signs and symptoms presented by the person, in addition to laboratory tests. The main test performed to identify S. pyogenes is ASLO, which is the test for anti-streptolysin O, which aims to identify antibodies produced by the body against this bacterium.

The exam is simple and should be done on an 4- to 8-hour fast depending on the recommendation of the doctor or laboratory. Understand how the ASLO exam is done.

Streptococcus pyogenes: symptoms and treatment (of the main diseases)