Home Symptoms Main causes of excessive sweating on the face and how to treat

Main causes of excessive sweating on the face and how to treat


The excessive production of sweat on the face, which is called craniofacial hyperhidrosis, can happen due to the use of medications, stress, excessive heat or even be a consequence of some diseases, such as diabetes and hormonal changes, for example.

In this situation, the sweat glands become more activated, leading to excessive production of sweat on the face, scalp, neck and neck, which can be quite uncomfortable and have a negative effect on self-esteem due to the visibility of the region.

Sweat production is something natural and corresponds to the body's attempt to balance body temperature by releasing fluids. However, in some situations, the production of sweat happens excessively and without the person being in a very hot environment or having practiced physical activity, for example. Therefore, in case of excessive sweat production on the face, it is important to go to the general practitioner or dermatologist so that the cause of hyperhidrosis is identified and treatment is started with the aim of improving the person's self-esteem and quality of life..

Main causes of excessive sweating on the face

Excessive sweating on the face can be quite uncomfortable and can even cause embarrassment and, in some cases, depression. Excessive sweating on the face can happen to anyone, but it is more common in people between 30 and 50 years old, being the main causes of primary facial hyperhidrosis:

  • Excessive heat; Practice of physical activities; Genetic alterations; Use of some medications; Use of products for the face that clog the pores, resulting in hyperactivation of the sweat gland due to increased skin temperature; Spicy foods such as pepper and ginger, for example; Stress; Anxiety.

In addition, facial hyperhidrosis can happen as a consequence of some disease, being called secondary hyperhidrosis. The main causes of secondary hyperhidrosis are diabetes, thyroid and cardiovascular problems, hormonal changes and decreased blood sugar levels, for example, and it is important to go to the doctor to identify the cause and initiate the appropriate treatment.

How the treatment is done

If facial hyperhidrosis occurs as a consequence of some other disease, the treatment is aimed at the disease, making it possible to reduce symptoms and treat hyperhidrosis. However, it can also be recommended to use face creams containing Aluminum Chlorohydride, for example, which is able to reduce the amount of sweat on the face, and should be used as instructed by the dermatologist.

In the case of primary hyperhidrosis, regular application of botox may be recommended by the doctor to regulate the production and release of sweat. Botox treatment usually lasts between 6 and 8 months and should be done by a specialized professional, since it is a delicate region. See what botox is and when it can be used.

In some cases, the doctor may also recommend the use of antiperspirant drugs or cholinergic drugs, which are those that have the ability to stop sweat gland activity, however this type of treatment is not yet scientifically proven.

It is also important that people who have excessive sweat on their face wear comfortable clothes, avoid using too much makeup or creams and have a balanced diet that is low in spicy and iodine foods, as they are able to stimulate the sweat glands. Find out which iodine-rich foods should be avoided.

Main causes of excessive sweating on the face and how to treat