Home Bulls Tamiflu to treat h1n1 flu

Tamiflu to treat h1n1 flu


Tamiflu capsules are used to prevent the onset of both common and influenza A flu or to reduce the duration of its signs and symptoms in adults and children over 1 year of age.

This medicine has in its composition Oseltamivir Phosphate, an antiviral compound that reduces the multiplication of the influenza virus, influenza A and B, in the body, including the Influenza A H1N1 virus, which causes influenza A. Thus, tamiflu is not antibiotic, as it acts by inhibiting the release of the virus from already infected cells which prevents the infection of healthy cells, preventing the virus from spreading through the body.

Price and where to buy

Tamiflu can be purchased at conventional pharmacies with a prescription and its price is approximately 200 reais. However, the value can vary according to the dosage of the drug as it can be purchased in doses of 30, 45 or 75 mg.

How to take

To Treat the Flu, the recommended dosage is:

  • Adults and adolescents over 13 years of age: take 1 capsule of 75 mg per day every 12 hours for 5 days; Children between 1 year and 12 years of age: Treatment should be done for 5 days and the recommended dose varies according to weight:
Body Weight (Kg) Recommended dose
more than 15 kg 1 30 mg capsule, twice a day
between 15 kg and 23 kg 1 45 mg capsule, twice a day
between 23 kg and 40 kg 2 30 mg capsule, twice a day
more than 40 kg 1 75 mg capsule, twice a day

To prevent the flu, the recommended doses are:

  • Adults and adolescents over 13 years of age: the recommended dose is usually 1 capsule of 75 mg per day per day for 10 days;

    Children between 1 year and 12 years of age: treatment must be done for 10 days and the dosage varies according to weight:

Body Weight (Kg) Recommended dose
more than 15 kg 1 30 mg capsule, once daily
between 15 kg and 23 kg 1 45 mg capsule, once daily
between 23 kg and 40 kg 2 30 mg capsule, once daily
more than 40 kg p1 75 mg capsule, once daily

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects of Tamiflu can include headache, vomiting, body pain or nausea.

Who should not take

Tamiflu is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age and for patients with an allergy to oseltamivir phosphate or any of the components of the formula.

In addition, before starting treatment with this medicine, you should consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing or have problems with your kidneys or liver.

Tamiflu to treat h1n1 flu