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Rhinitis Treatment


Rhinitis treatment is initially based on preventing contact with allergens and irritants that cause rhinitis. According to medical advice, medication intake should also be instituted through the use of oral or topical antihistamines, nasal decongestants and topical corticosteroids.

Surgery is indicated only when the treatments mentioned above do not show satisfactory results and when the nasal obstruction is permanent.

Natural treatment for rhinitis

The natural treatment for rhinitis can be done through the following measures:

  • Upon waking up, take hot tea of ​​garden rosemary with eucalyptus and lemon balm, sweetened with honey from bees, containing juice of 2 lemons and 15 drops of castor oil, for 30 days in a row; Make inhalations with propolis spray. For adults, 1 to 2 jets are recommended in each nostril, for children, 1 jet in each nostril. In the case of children under 1 year of age, medical advice should be sought; Take pineapple juice with apple and honey twice a day; Take warm orange juice with pineapple with 30 drops of propolis; Make steam bath with tea of eucalyptus and salt every night before bed.

Home treatment for rhinitis

Home treatment for rhinitis can be performed in a very simple and economical way, through nasal washing with saline or saline solution. The hygiene of the nostrils has the function of eliminating allergens adhered to the nasal mucosa in the mildest cases of rhinitis.

Washing can be performed several times a day, and it is also essential before applying other medications. You can buy the saline solution at the pharmacy or prepare it at home, with a cup of warm water, half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda.

Rhinitis Treatment