Home Bulls Medicine and psychotherapy for burnout syndrome

Medicine and psychotherapy for burnout syndrome


Treatment for Burnout Syndrome must be guided by a psychologist or psychiatrist and is usually done through the combination of drugs and therapies for 1 to 3 months.

Burnout Syndrome, which occurs when the individual feels exhausted due to excessive stress caused by work, requires the patient to rest to relieve symptoms, such as headaches, palpitations and muscle pain, for example. Learn more details of the Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome.

Psychological treatment

Psychological treatment with a psychologist is very important for those who have Burnout Syndrome, as the therapist helps the patient to find strategies to combat stress. In addition, consultations provide the person with time to vent and exchange experiences that help to improve self-knowledge and gain more security in their work.

In addition, throughout the psychological treatment the patient finds some strategies

  • Reorganize your work, reducing working hours or the tasks you are responsible for, for example; Increase socializing with friends, to be distracted from work stress; Do relaxing activities, like dancing, going to the movies or going out with friends, for example; Do physical exercise, like walking or Pilates, for example, to release accumulated stress.

Ideally, the patient should do the various techniques at the same time so that recovery is faster and more effective.

Remedies that can be used

To treat Burnout Syndrome, the psychiatrist can indicate the ingestion of antidepressant drugs, such as Sertraline or Fluoxetine, for example, to help overcome the feeling of inferiority and incapacity and to gain confidence, which are the main symptoms manifested by patients with Burnout syndrome.

Signs of improvement

When the patient with Burnout Syndrome does the treatment properly, signs of improvement may appear, such as greater performance at work, greater confidence and a decrease in the frequency of headaches and tiredness.

In addition, the worker begins to have greater income at work, increasing his well-being.

Signs of worsening

The signs of worsening of the Burnout Syndrome appear when the individual does not follow the recommended treatment and include total loss of motivation in relation to employment, ending up with frequent absence and development of gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea and vomiting, for example.

In the most severe cases, the individual may develop depression and may need to be hospitalized to be evaluated daily by the doctor.

Find out more about this syndrome at: Burnout Syndrome.

Medicine and psychotherapy for burnout syndrome