Home Bulls What is gardnerella vaginalis, symptoms, treatment and how to get it

What is gardnerella vaginalis, symptoms, treatment and how to get it


Gardnerella vaginalis is a bacterium that inhabits the female intimate region, but is usually found in very low concentrations, not producing any type of problem or symptom.

However, when Gardnerella sp. increase due to factors that may interfere with the immune system and genital microbiota, such as incorrect hygiene, multiple sexual partners or frequent genital washing, for example, women are more likely to develop a vaginal infection known as bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis by Gardnerella sp.

This infection is characterized by symptoms such as a foul smell and yellowish discharge, but it can be easily treated with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, and it is therefore recommended to consult the gynecologist whenever changes in the intimate region appear.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms of Gardnerella vaginalis infection include:

  • Yellowish or grayish discharge; Foul smell, similar to rotten fish; Itching or burning sensation in the vagina; Pain during intimate contact.

In addition, there are cases where the woman may experience minor bleeding, especially after intimate contact. In these cases, the fetid smell may become even more intense, especially if a condom has not been used.

When this type of symptoms appears, it is advisable for the woman to go to the gynecologist for tests, such as pap smears, which help to screen for other infections, such as trichomoniasis or gonorrhea, which have similar symptoms, but which are treated differently.

In men, the bacteria can also cause symptoms such as swelling and redness in the glans, pain when urinating or itching in the penis. These cases arise when the woman has the infection and has an unprotected relationship.

How to get

There is still no specific cause for the appearance of Gardnerella vaginalis infection , however, factors such as having multiple sexual partners, having frequent vaginal washes or using cigarettes, seem to be related to an increased risk of having the infection.

This infection cannot be considered a sexually transmitted disease, since it also occurs in women who have not yet had sex. In addition, this is a type of bacteria that is normally found in the vaginal flora, so people with weakened immune systems, due to diseases such as AIDS or even due to cancer treatments, may have more frequent infections.

To avoid getting this infection, some recommendations include maintaining adequate intimate hygiene, using condoms in all sexual reactions and avoiding wearing too tight underwear.

How the treatment is done

Treatment should always be guided by a gynecologist and includes the use of antibiotics such as:

  • Metronidazole: Clindamycin; Ampicillin.

These drugs should be used between 5 to 7 days and can be found in the form of pills or as a vaginal cream, however, in the case of pregnant women, treatment should preferably be done with pills.

If after the treatment period, the symptoms have not disappeared, you should inform the doctor, because if you continue without treatment, infection by Gardnerella vaginalis can lead to the emergence of more serious complications such as infection of the uterus, urinary tract and, even, of the tubes.

What is gardnerella vaginalis, symptoms, treatment and how to get it