Home Symptoms Virosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Virosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Virosis is any disease that is caused by viruses and that has a short duration, which normally does not exceed 10 days. Its main symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea, fever and vomiting; Nausea and lack of appetite; Muscle pain and pain in the belly; Headache or behind the eyes; Sneezing, nasal discharge and cough.

Viruses are more common in babies and children, but can also occur in adults. The symptoms can be very varied, since the virus can be caused by several types of viruses, but it is common that they happen especially in the respiratory tract or in the intestine, causing that colds and gastroenteritis are often called just virus.

Thus, although they are also caused by viruses, diseases such as measles, Dengue or Zika, for example, can be more serious and worrying and, for this reason, they are not usually called only virosis. Check how to know if it is Dengue, Zika or virus.

When the child has a virus, it is normal for parents and siblings to be affected as well, as it is usually contagious, but in adults the symptoms are milder and last less time. These symptoms can take up to 5 days to appear, after the child has the first symptoms, due to the incubation period of most viruses.

For this reason, even if the necessary measures are taken to prevent transmission, the virus may have already reached the body, the most important thing being to always follow tips to avoid viruses, such as washing your hands frequently.

Because virosis is more common in children

Symptoms caused by viruses are more common in babies and children because they do not yet have all the resistance that adults have and their immune system is still developing.

Thus, each time the child comes into contact with a different microorganism, until his body can produce antibodies against the invader, he will show symptoms of virus. However, it is unlikely that the child or adult will develop symptoms when coming into contact with the same virus, but since there are many different viruses, when coming in contact with another virus, it may show symptoms, although they may be weaker.

How to confirm if it is a virus

The doctor can only identify the virus based on the symptoms, especially when the person has no other symptoms and when there are other people affected, in the family, at the same school or at work, for example.

It is common for there to be periods when several children in the same daycare center show symptoms of viral infection, so if parents know that their child's classmates have a virus, there is a possibility that their child is also affected by the same disease. So it is important to tell the doctor what symptoms you have and whether there are cases of people close to you with the same symptoms.

To make sure you have a virus, your doctor may also order specific tests, especially blood or urine tests, for example.

Because doctors don't always order tests

It is not always necessary to have tests to find out if it is a virus because in most cases it is not possible to find out what the virus is through a simple blood test. In addition, other classic tests, such as X-rays or urine tests, for example, do not change.

But to make sure that it is not about other diseases, like rubella for example, the doctor may order a blood test specific to that disease.

How to cure a virus faster

The treatment for a virus is mainly to rest and strengthen the body, so that the immune system is able to eliminate the virus more quickly. Thus, the guidelines usually include drinking plenty of water during the day, eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients, as well as staying at rest and avoiding more stressful activities.

In addition, the doctor may also prescribe some painkillers, such as Paracetamol, for example, to relieve pain and improve comfort during recovery.

During the treatment of the virus, it is advisable to consume light and easily digestible foods, giving preference to fruits, vegetables, and lean cooked meats. It is also recommended to avoid foods that are very spicy, greasy, with gases or difficult to digest.

To avoid dehydration, you should drink at least the same amount of water lost through vomiting and diarrhea. Water can be replaced by homemade serum because it is more effective against dehydration because it contains minerals that are lost in vomiting and diarrhea. Check out more tips on what to do on how to cure your virus faster.

Warning signs to return to the doctor

It is important to go back to the doctor when you have signs and symptoms of dehydration, such as sunken eyes, very dry and dehydrated skin, when diarrhea gets worse or if you have blood, as well as when there is a worsening cough or shortness of breath.

If other symptoms such as skin blemishes, fever that does not subside with Paracetamol and fainting occur should also go to the emergency room.

How to prevent a virus

One of the best measures to avoid catching a virus, which must be implemented every day, is frequent hand washing. When done correctly, this is a simple technique that prevents the accumulation of viruses on the skin and under the nails, which can end up reaching the body easily, either through the mouth or through the airways, for example.

Check out other tips to avoid a possible virus.

Virosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment