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10 reasons why hair falls out


Hair loss is a natural process that is part of the hair growth cycle and, therefore, it is normal for the individual not to notice that he loses between 60 to 100 hairs per day.

Hair loss can be worrying when it is excessive, that is, when more than 100 hairs are lost per day, as it can be caused by hormonal changes, stress, lack of vitamins or anemia, for example.

Main causes of hair loss

Excessive hair loss can be caused by:

  1. Diet poor in nutrients and vitamins: proteins, zinc, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C help in hair growth and strengthening, so a diet low in these nutrients favors hair loss; Stress and anxiety: stress and anxiety increase cortisone and adrenaline levels that inhibit hair growth, causing excessive hair loss; Genetic factors: excessive hair loss can be inherited from parents; Aging process: menopause in women and andropause in men can increase hair loss due to decreased hormones; Anemia: iron deficiency anemia can cause excessive hair loss, as iron helps to oxygenate tissues, including the scalp; Use of chemicals in the hair or hairstyles that are too attached to the scalp: they can attack the hair strands, favoring their fall; Use of medications: medications such as warfarin, heparin, propylthiouracil, carbimazole, vitamin A, isotretinoin, acitretin, lithium, beta-blockers, colchicine, amphetamines and cancer drugs can favor hair loss; Fungal infection : infection of the scalp by fungi, called ringworm or ringworm, can favor excessive hair loss; Postpartum: a decrease in the level of hormones after delivery can result in hair loss; Some diseases such as lupus, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or alopecia areata. Learn more at: Alopécia areata.

In these cases, it is recommended to make an appointment with the dermatologist to identify the cause and guide the treatment that can be done with adequate food, medicines, nutritional supplements, shampoos, aesthetic techniques such as carboxitherapy or laser, or surgical techniques such as implant or hair transplant.

To learn more about hair loss treatment see: Hair loss, what to do?

10 reasons why hair falls out