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15 Health Benefits of Running


The main benefits of running are weight loss and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, but in addition to running on the street has other advantages such as the possibility of running at any time of the day, alone or accompanied.

Street running is a modality that is increasingly present and running in nature increases happiness during and immediately after running, but the other benefits are also found when running in closed spaces, such as on the treadmill, for example. Running on the street, in nature or inside the gym has its advantages, but in any case, running listening to loud music encourages you to run faster and greater distances, increasing the health benefits.

15 main benefits of running

Some of the main benefits of the race are:

  1. Protect against diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, improve sleep quality, fight depression, reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke, stimulate the formation of neurons and improve memory; Strengthen muscles and bones, and decrease the risk of osteoporosis; Increase the disposition for daily routine; Weight loss because it burns fat; Increase physical conditioning; Improve breathing; Increase self-esteem; Control blood pressure; Increase muscle mass; Strengthen the abdomen and increase glutes; Increase life expectancy.

These benefits can be achieved by running alone or with a group of friends, but greater benefits occur when there is a higher level of difficulty in running. However, to start practicing running you must start slowly, running small distances on a flat surface and gradually increasing the course every 2 weeks, for example.

How to achieve the benefits of running

To achieve all the benefits that running brings, you need to run 2-3 times a week for 20 to 60 minutes each time. However, running more than 30 km per week increases the risk of muscle and joint injuries, so people who run great distances must be accompanied by a physical education professional to achieve their goals without harming their health.

An affordable option is also the running groups, at affordable prices, in which the volume of training and the biomechanics of the movement is guided by a professional.

Racing for beginners

For those who want to start running, a medical consultation is first advised to assess general health. Many gyms have a questionnaire that must be completed at the time of registration, which helps to define whether the person is at greater risk of heart attack or stroke, for example, but if you want to start running alone, on the street, you must have the careful to do a check-up first. The following are the best tips to start running and enjoy all the health benefits of running:

1. How to dress

To start you should wear light clothing and appropriate sneakers, always with socks. Running without the proper clothing as well as being uncomfortable, can decrease running time, and when wearing low shoes there is greater impact on the joints and greater chances of damaging the spine, and therefore you should always run with running shoes. Learn how to choose the best running shoes.

2. Distance and speed

The speed should be slow, you should not try to run long distances in the first few training sessions. The ideal is to establish a limit, which can be 2-3 km to get used to it little by little. If it is not possible to maintain the pace of the race until the end there is no problem, you can walk fast while catching your breath for another sprint, the important thing is not to give up on the first obstacle. Check out a running workout to run 5 and 10 km in 5 weeks

3. Breathing

Breathing is very important during the run and to facilitate training you should be inspired by the nose every 2 strides, releasing air through the mouth. It is normal to become breathless in the first few runs, but over time it is normal for breathing to become easier. the first few times you should avoid talking while running to avoid getting rib pain, which is so common in those who do not have much physical conditioning.

4. Stretches

At the end of the run, after reaching your goal, it is important to do some stretching exercises with your legs and back to avoid getting cramps and muscle pain. Check out some examples of leg stretches.

15 Health Benefits of Running