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How much does egg freezing cost and when to do it


Freezing the eggs for later in vitro fertilization is an option for women who wish to become pregnant later because of work, health or other personal reasons.

However, it is more indicated that the freezing is done until 30 years of age because until this stage the eggs still have excellent quality, reducing the risk of congenital diseases in the baby linked to the mother's age, such as Down's Syndrome, for example.

After the freezing process, the eggs can be stored for several years, with no time limit for their use. When the woman decides she wants to become pregnant, in vitro fertilization will be done using her partner's frozen eggs and sperm. See how is the procedure of IVF .

Egg freezing price

The freezing process costs around 6 to 15 thousand reais, in addition to having to pay a maintenance fee at the clinic where the egg is kept, which usually costs between 500 and 1000 reais per year. However, some SUS hospitals freeze the eggs of women with uterine or ovarian cancer, for example.

When is indicated

Egg freezing is generally considered in cases of:

  • Cancer in the uterus or ovary, or when chemotherapy or radiotherapy can affect the quality of eggs; History in the family of early menopause; Desire to have children after age 35.

When the woman gives up having children in the future or when frozen eggs are left, it is possible to donate these eggs to other women who wish to become pregnant or for scientific research.

How freezing is done

The egg freezing process consists of several steps:

1. Clinical evaluation of women

Blood tests and ultrasound are carried out to check the woman's hormone production and whether she will be able to do in vitro fertilization in the future.

2. Stimulation of ovulation with hormones

After the initial exams, the woman will have to give injections in the belly with hormones that will stimulate the production of a larger number of eggs than happens naturally. The injections are given for about 8 to 14 days, and then it is necessary to take a medication to prevent menstruation.

3. Monitoring ovulation

After this period, a new medication will be given to stimulate the maturation of the eggs, which will be monitored through blood tests and ultrasound. When monitoring this process, the doctor will predict when ovulation will occur and set the date to remove the eggs.

4. Removal of eggs

The removal of the eggs is done in the doctor's office, with the aid of local anesthesia and medication to make the woman sleep. Generally, about 10 eggs are removed through the vagina, while the doctor visualizes the ovaries using transvaginal ultrasound, and then the eggs are frozen.

How much does egg freezing cost and when to do it