Home Bulls Step-by-step to change the baby's diaper

Step-by-step to change the baby's diaper


The baby's diaper should be changed whenever it is dirty or, at least, every three or four hours after the end of each feeding, especially in the first 3 months of life, because the baby normally poops after feeding.

As the baby grows and breastfeeds less at night, it is possible to decrease the frequency of diaper changes, especially at night to ensure that the baby can create a sleep routine. In these cases, the last diaper should be changed between 11 pm and midnight, after the baby's last meal.

Necessary material for changing the diaper

To change the baby's diaper, you must start by gathering the necessary material, which includes:

  • 1 clean diaper (disposable or cloth); 1 basin with warm water; 1 towel; 1 garbage bag; clean compresses; 1 cream for diaper rash;

The compresses can be replaced by pieces of clean tissue or by wipes to clean the baby's bottom, such as Dodot or Huggies , for example.

However, the best option is always to use compresses or tissues, as they do not contain any type of perfume or substance that may cause allergy in the baby's bottom.

Step by step to change the diaper

Before changing the baby's diaper it is important to wash your hands and then:

1. Remove the baby's dirty diaper

  1. Lay the baby on top of a diaper, or a clean towel on a firm surface, and remove only the clothes from the waist down; Open the dirty diaper and lift the baby's bottom, holding it by the ankles; Remove the poop from the baby's butt, using a clean part of the dirty diaper, in a single top-down movement, folding the diaper in half under the baby with the clean part up, as shown in the image.

2. Clean the baby's intimate area

  1. Clean the intimate area with the compresses soaked in warm water, making a single movement from the genital to the anus, as shown in the image;

    • In the girl: it is recommended to clean one groin at a time and then clean the vagina towards the anus, without cleaning the inside of the vagina. In the boy: one should start with one groin at a time and then clean the penis and testicles, ending in the anus. The foreskin should never be pulled back as it can hurt and cause cracks.
    Throw each compress in the trash after 1 use to avoid soiling the places that are already clean; Dry the intimate area with a towel or cloth diaper.

3. Putting a clean diaper on the baby

  1. Place a clean, open diaper under the baby's bottom; Put a cream for roasting, if necessary. That is, if the butt or groin area is red; Close the diaper by fixing both sides with adhesive tapes, leaving it under the umbilical stump, if the baby still has it; Wear the clothes from the waist down and wash your hands again.

After changing the diaper, it is recommended to confirm that it is tight to the baby's body, but it is also advisable to be able to place a finger between the skin and the diaper, to ensure that it is not too tight.

How to put cloth diaper on baby

To place a cloth diaper on the baby, you must follow the same steps as the disposable diaper, taking care to place the absorbent inside the cloth diaper and adjust the diaper according to the baby's size.

Modern cloth diaper with velcro

Modern cloth diapers are more environmentally friendly and economical because they are reusable, although the investment is higher in the beginning. In addition, they reduce the chances of diaper rash in the baby and can be used in other children.

How to prevent diaper rash on baby's bottom

To avoid a possible butt rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, it is important to follow some simple tips like:

  • Change the diaper frequently. At least every 2 hours; Clean the baby's entire genital area with compresses moistened with water, and avoid using wet wipes, as they contain products that may favor the installation of diaper rash on the baby. Use them only when you are not at home; Dry the entire intimate area very well with the help of a soft fabric, without rubbing, especially in the folds where moisture is concentrated; Apply the cream or ointment against diaper rash at each diaper change; Avoid using talc, as it favors baby diaper rash.

Diaper rash on the baby's bottom is, in general, transient, but can develop into a more serious situation, with blisters, fissures and even pus if not treated properly, and therefore it is important to know how to prevent and treat diaper rash.

How to stimulate the baby's brain during switching

The diaper change time can be a great time to stimulate the baby and promote his intellectual development. For that, some activities that can be done include:

  • Hanging an inflatable balloon from the ceiling, low enough for you to be able to touch, but not within reach of the baby, causing the ball to move from side to side while changing your baby's diaper. He will be fascinated and will soon try to touch the ball. After you finish changing the diaper, take your baby and let him touch the ball playing with her; Talk to the baby about what you are doing when changing the diaper, for example: “I'm going to take the baby's diaper off; now i'm going to clean your butt; we will put a new diaper and clean for the baby to smell ”.

It is very important to do these exercises from an early age and every day in at least one diaper change to stimulate the baby's memory and for him to begin to understand what is happening around him.

Step-by-step to change the baby's diaper