Home Home-Remedies How to use the diuretic power of cucumber to lose weight

How to use the diuretic power of cucumber to lose weight


Cucumber juice is an excellent diuretic, as it contains a high amount of water and minerals that facilitate the functioning of the kidneys, increasing the amount of urine eliminated and reducing swelling in the body.

In addition, as it has only 19 calories per 100 grams and helps to satiate, it can be easily added to any weight loss diet, being a perfect ingredient to speed up the process and improve the functioning of the intestine which is a major obstacle in the weight loss process. when it's not working well.

Some of the most popular ways to use cucumber are to add it in juices and vitamins or just use it, in its natural form, in salads and other dishes:

1. Cucumber with ginger

Ginger is a great ally for the health of the gastrointestinal system because, in addition to containing many antioxidants, it also has a potent anti-inflammatory effect that helps to reduce inflammation of the stomach and intestine, making it a good option for those who often suffer from pain stomach, gastritis or abdominal cramps, for example.


  • 500 mL of filtered water; 1 cucumber; 5 cm of ginger.

How to prepare

Start by washing the cucumber and cut it into slices about 5 mm thick. Then wash the ginger, peel it and cut it into several pieces. Finally, combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

2. Cucumber with apple and celery

This is the perfect juice to eliminate excess fluids, lose weight and keep your skin healthy, being indicated to delay the aging process. This is because, in addition to the diuretic power of cucumber, this juice also contains apples that are very rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that protect the skin.


  • 1 cucumber; 1 apple; 2 celery stalks; ½ lemon juice.

How to prepare

Wash the apple, cucumber and celery thoroughly. Then cut all the vegetables and the apple into small pieces, leaving the skin if they are organic. Add to the blender, along with the lemon juice and beat until a juice is obtained.

3. Cucumber with lemon and honey

The association between lemon and cucumber helps in the functioning of the kidneys, but also allows to eliminate impurities from the blood. In addition, lemon also improves the functioning of the intestine, fighting constipation and facilitating the weight loss process.


  • 500 mL of filtered water; 1 cucumber; 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 lemon.

How to prepare

Wash the cucumber and lemon well and then cut them into small slices. Finally, blend the ingredients in a blender and use the honey to sweeten, if necessary.

See also the 7 Best juices with celery to lose weight and deflate.

How to use the diuretic power of cucumber to lose weight