Home Home-Remedies 3 home remedies for gas in the stomach

3 home remedies for gas in the stomach


A great home remedy to loosen stomach gas and fight abdominal bloating is to take small sips of chamomile tea with fennel, bilberry tea or ginger tea as these medicinal plants have antispasmodic and calming properties that decrease irritation of the digestive system, naturally reducing gases.

Stomach and intestinal gases can occur due to the intake of air during meals, especially when eating too fast or due to swallowing air when speaking. Another reason that can cause discomfort, and the need to constantly burp, is the ingestion of very fatty meals that stay longer in the stomach to be digested.

1. Chamomile and fennel tea


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1 tablespoon of fennel.

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and after boiling add the herbs. Cover, let it warm, strain and drink this tea throughout the day. It may be more comfortable to take small sips of this tea, without sweetening it, because sugar and honey ferment and worsen gases.

2. Bay leaf tea


  • 1 cup chopped bay leaves 1 cup water - about 180 ml

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. After boiling, turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it warm, then strain. Take this tea in small sips, without sweetening.

3. Ginger tea


  • 1 cm of ginger root1 cup of water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in the pan and boil for about 5 minutes, after starting to boil. You can add half a squeezed lemon when ready and take it when it is warm.

For a faster effect it is recommended not to eat until the sensation of trapped gases has been eliminated, and walking for about 20 to 30 minutes is also recommended because this facilitates the elimination of the gases. Taking small sips of sparkling water and a few drops of lemon can also be useful for eliminating stomach gases, because the gas in the water will increase the need to eliminate the gases trapped in the stomach.

But to prevent this discomfort from arising again it is important to follow some recommendations, such as eating slowly, avoiding chewing gum and avoiding foods that cause gas, such as unpeeled black beans, raw cabbage, lentils and cauliflower.

Watch the following video and learn more about what to do to eliminate the gases:

3 home remedies for gas in the stomach