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Anti-inflammatory ointments


Anti-inflammatory ointments are used to treat pain and decrease inflammation of muscles, tendons and joints caused by problems such as arthritis, low back pain, tendonitis, sprains, muscle strain and epicondylitis, for example.

However, they can also be used in toothache or after small bumps or falls that cause swelling, redness, bruising and pain when touching that region.

Ointments cost on average between R $ 15 and R $ 40.00, depending on the ointment and the amount and are usually found in pharmacies.

When to use anti-inflammatory ointment

The use of anti-inflammatory ointments is indicated for situations in which there is pain and inflammation of a muscle, tendon or joint, which causes symptoms such as redness, swelling, difficulty in moving and discomfort.

For example, it may be necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointment after making a lot of effort in the gym, after a stroke, in situations of tendonitis, low back pain or in skin diseases.

  • Muscular pain : some ointments indicated for muscle pain are Calminex, Gelol and Diclofenac, also known as Voltaren or Cataflan; Tendonitis: to treat tendinitis, ointments containing Feldene and Calminex can be indicated - learn how to cure tendonitis faster; Torsion: both ankle and foot torsion can be treated with the use of Gelol and Diclofenac, for example; Back pain: Anti-inflammatory ointment containing Diclofenac, for example, is an option to treat back pain. In addition, Biofenac or Gelol, for example; Arthritis: Arthritis symptoms can be relieved with the use of anti-inflammatory ointments containing Ketoprofen, Felbinaco or Piroxicam, also known as Feldene.

The use of anti-inflammatory ointments does not exempt going to the doctor when any of these pains appear. In addition, the use of ointments should only be done under the guidance of a health professional, such as a doctor, nurse or pharmacist, as there are many ointments and their effects vary according to the problem identified. Thus, a health professional can indicate the best ointment for each symptom.

How to use the ointment

The way of using anti-inflammatory ointments depends on each case and therefore, before using any ointment, read the package insert.

Usually the use consists of applying the ointment to the painful area, making a small massage in circular movements in the painful area until the ointment is completely absorbed by the skin.

The application of the ointment should be done 2 or 3 times a day and, if the pain is not eliminated within 1 week, you should go to the doctor because insisting on the use of the ointment can mask the symptoms of another disease, and may another type of treatment is needed.

Effects and contraindications

Some side effects of anti-inflammatory ointments include skin irritation that can cause itching and redness.

Usually the use of anti-inflammatory ointments is contraindicated in open wounds, and in case of allergy to any component of the formula.

Anti-inflammatory ointments