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Home remedies for child constipation


Constipation is common in children, especially in the first months of life, because the digestive system is not yet well developed, and around 4 to 6 months, when new foods start to be introduced. In these cases, some home remedies can help regulate intestinal transit, helping in the treatment of constipation.

However, even with the help of home remedies, if the baby does not gain weight, cries in pain and is unable to evacuate, care must be taken to take him to the doctor, in case the problem gets worse.

1. Plum Water

Place 1 plum in a glass with about 50 ml of water and let it sit overnight. Give the baby ½ tablespoon of water in the morning and repeat the process once a day, until the intestine is functioning again.

For babies over 4 months, you can squeeze the plum through a sieve and give 1 teaspoon per day of the juice.

2. Fig and Plum Syrup

Fig and plum syrup is suitable for children over 3 years of age.


  • 1/2 cup chopped figs in shell; 1/2 cup chopped plums; 2 cups water; 1 tablespoon molasses

Method of preparation

Place the figs, plums and water in a pan and let it rest for approximately 8 hours. Then, take the pan to the fire, add the molasses and let it boil for a few minutes, until the fruits soften and the excess water evaporates. Remove from heat, beat everything in a blender and store in a glass jar with a lid, which has been sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.

You can take 1 tablespoon of the syrup a day, whenever necessary.

3. Oatmeal

Replace rice porridge, wheat or cornstarch with oatmeal, as it is rich in fibers that help to improve the intestinal transit of the baby and the child.

In addition, it is important to offer plenty of water between meals, which helps to hydrate the stools and make it easier for them to pass through the intestine.

4. Orange and Plum Juice

Squeeze 50 ml of lime orange juice, add 1 black plum and beat in a blender. For children over 1 year, give the juice once a day, for a maximum of 3 consecutive days. If constipation persists, talk to your pediatrician.

For children under 1 year, 10 to 30 teaspoons of lime orange juice should be offered.

When to use suppositories and take them to the doctor

Pediatricians should be consulted if constipation lasts more than 48 hours, as he may recommend the use of suppositories and intestinal lavage.

In addition, it is necessary to be aware of the presence of wounds in the baby's anus or blood in bowel movements, as dry stools can cause anal fissures. These cracks make bowel movements very painful for the baby, and the baby automatically retains the stool to prevent pain. In these cases, it is also necessary to seek the pediatrician as soon as possible. Learn more about anal fissure.

See other foods that are good for releasing the baby's intestines.

Home remedies for child constipation