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Main features of dry skin


Dry skin is dull and tends to tug, especially after using inappropriate soaps or bathing in very hot water. Very dry skin can become peeling and irritated, in which case it is necessary to follow a treatment for dry skin to ensure its integrity and beauty.

Dry skin can be dried out by various causes, such as genetics, environmental factors, such as very dry and very sunny places, poor use of cosmetic products, and also because of drinking little water.

The ideal is, whenever possible, avoid each of these factors to prevent the skin from becoming too dry. But exfoliating your skin can be a good strategy to hydrate your skin more effectively. See how to do an exfoliating massage, step by step here.

Treatment for dry skin

Treatment for dry skin requires the use of moisturizing and moisturizing products, such as alcohol-free and non-comedogenic products, that is, that do not favor the appearance of acne.

Moisturizing liquid soaps based on honey and aloe vera are good options, as well as the use of creams for dry skin or extra dry skin.

Dry skin should not be washed more than 2 times a day, and it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer daily, right after the bath, as this way the skin absorbs the product better.

Whoever has to wash their hands several times a day should, whenever they wash them, use a moisturizing hand cream to prevent them from becoming dry and the cuticle from loosening, facilitating the installation of microorganisms.

Elbows, knees and feet deserve special attention, and for these areas, you can add an oil to the cream that you use throughout your body, for extra hydration.

Check out 8 homemade recipes to keep dry skin always beautiful and hydrated.

Main features of dry skin