- What to do in case of suspicion
- Who is most at risk for bronchitis
- How the treatment is done
- When to go to the doctor
One of the main symptoms of bronchitis is cough, initially dry, which after a few days becomes productive, showing yellowish or greenish phlegm.
However, other common symptoms in bronchitis are:
- Noise when breathing with wheezing in the chest; Difficulty in breathing and feeling short of breath; Constant fever below 38.5ยบ; Nails and purplish lips; Excessive tiredness, even in simple activities; Swelling in the legs and feet;
It is very common to initially be diagnosed with a strong flu, but over the days the symptoms of bronchitis become clearer and clearer, until the doctor can diagnose the disease. Bronchitis usually has symptoms that last for more than a week.
What to do in case of suspicion
If you have any of these symptoms and there is a suspicion of bronchitis, it is very important to consult a pulmonologist so that he can make a physical evaluation and order some tests such as chest X-rays and blood tests, for example, in order to confirm the diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment.
Who is most at risk for bronchitis
Although bronchitis can occur in anyone, there are some factors that seem to increase the risk of having it, such as:
- Being a smoker; Breathing irritating substances; Having esophageal reflux.
Having a weakened immune system also increases the chances of developing bronchitis. For this reason, the elderly, children and people with immune system diseases, such as AIDS, tend to be the most affected.
How the treatment is done
Treatment for bronchitis is by taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, rest and hydration. Some patients may suffer from this disease throughout their lives and in this case they must always be followed by a pulmonologist who can identify its causes and thus eliminate them. The most likely are the elderly and smokers, for everyone else bronchitis has a good chance of cure.
When to go to the doctor
The ideal is to see a doctor whenever there is a suspicion of bronchitis, however, some symptoms to be aware of include:
- Cough that doesn't get better or that won't let you sleep; Cough with blood; Phlegm that gets darker and darker; Lack of appetite and weight loss.
In addition, if a high fever or shortness of breath gets worse, it may indicate a respiratory infection such as pneumonia, and you should go to the hospital as soon as possible. See which symptoms may indicate pneumonia.