Home Medicinal Plants Yellow ipê: what it is for and how to use it

Yellow ipê: what it is for and how to use it


Ipê-Amarelo is a medicinal plant, also known as Pau d'Arco. Its trunk is strong, can reach 25 meters in height and has beautiful yellow flowers with greenish reflections, which can be found from the Amazon, Northeast, to São Paulo.

Its scientific name is Tabebuia serratifolia and is also known as ipe, ipe-do-cerrado, ipe-egg-of-macuco, ipe-brown, ipe-tobacco, ipe-grape, pau d'arco, pau-d'arco -yellow, yellow-eyed puva, ​​opa and big-tailed.

This medicinal plant can be purchased at health food stores and some drugstores.

What is it for

Ipê-Amarelo has been popularly used to treat anemia, tonsillitis, urinary tract infection, bronchitis, candidiasis, prostate infection, myoma, cyst in the ovaries, as well as facilitating the healing of internal and external wounds.

Ipê-Amarelo can be indicated in these situations because it has substances such as saponins, triterpenes and antioxidants that confer anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, antiviral and antibiotic properties.

Due to its antitumor activity, Ipê-Amarelo has been studied for the treatment of cancer, but more scientific studies are needed to prove its efficacy and safety, and should not be consumed freely because it can decrease the effect of chemotherapy, aggravating the disease.

Possible side effects

Ipê-Amarelo has high toxicity and its side effects include hives, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

When not to take

Ipê-Amarelo is contraindicated for pregnant women, during breastfeeding and during cancer treatment.

Yellow ipê: what it is for and how to use it