Home Bulls Discover the new treatments that can cure alzheimer's

Discover the new treatments that can cure alzheimer's


Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that, although not yet curable, the use of medications such as Rivastigmine, Galantamine or Donepezila, together with stimulating therapies, such as occupational therapy, can help control symptoms and slow their progression, preventing aggravation brain complications and improving the person's quality of life.

This disease is characterized by the progressive loss of most of the person's abilities, such as memory loss, difficulty in language and thinking, in addition to changes in gait and balance, which make the person unable to take care of himself. See more about the symptoms at: Alzheimer's symptoms.

New treatments that can cure Alzheimer's

Currently, a treatment that seems to be very promising for the improvement and even the cure of Alzheimer's is deep brain stimulation surgery, which is a therapy done through the implantation of a small neurostimulating electrode in the brain, and can cause the disease to be stabilized and the symptoms regress. This type of therapy is already being done in Brazil, but it is still very expensive and is not available in all neurology centers.

Other scientific research indicates that the use of stem cells may represent a cure for Alzheimer's. Researchers have removed embryonic cells from the umbilical cord of newborn babies and implanted them in the brains of rats with Alzheimer's and the results have been positive, but it is still necessary to test the technique in humans to ensure the effectiveness and safety of treatment.

Stem cells are a group of cells that can be transformed into several different cell types, including neurons, and the hope is that when implanted in the brain of these patients, they fight the excess of amyloid protein in the brain representing the cure. Alzheimer's disease.

Existing forms of treatment

Treatment for Alzheimer's disease includes the use of anticholinesterase drugs, such as Donepezil, Galantamine or Memantine, which improve brain function, and are indicated by the geriatrician or neurologist.

In addition to these remedies, the patient may need to take anxiolytics, antipsychotics or antidepressants, to relieve symptoms such as agitation, depressed feelings and difficulty sleeping.

The patient may also need to undergo physiotherapy, occupational therapy, maintain a diet adequate to their ability to nourish and swallow, in addition to maintaining activities that stimulate the brain and memory through games, reading or writing, for example. Learn more about treatment for Alzheimer's.

Natural treatment for Alzheimer's

Natural treatment only complements drug treatment and includes:

  • Put cinnamon in meals, as it inhibits the accumulation of toxins in the brain; Eat foods rich in acetylcholine, as they have the function of improving memory capacity, which is affected in this disease. Know some foods in: Foods rich in acetylcholine; Have a diet rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, omega 3 and B complex, present in citrus fruits, whole grains, seeds and fish.

In addition, you can prepare some juices with antioxidant foods such as apple juice, grape or goji berry, for example.

Apple juice for Alzheimer's

Apple juice is an excellent home remedy to prevent and complement Alzheimer's treatment. The apple, besides being a delicious and very popular fruit, helps to increase the levels of acetylcholine in the brain, which fights brain degeneration caused by the disease.


  • 4 apples; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Cut the apples in half, remove all the seeds and add them in the blender together with the water. After beating well, sweeten to taste and drink right away, before the juice gets dark.

It is recommended to drink at least 2 glasses of this juice every day, to improve memory and all brain functioning.

Find out more about this disease, how to prevent it and how to care for the person with Alzheimer's:

Discover the new treatments that can cure alzheimer's