Home Home-Remedies 4 Natural Treatment Options for Kidney Stones

4 Natural Treatment Options for Kidney Stones


The natural treatment for kidney stones can be done with the use of medicinal plants such as parsley, leather hat and stone breaker due to their diuretic properties.

However, to eliminate these stones it is also important to control the consumption of salt and consume less red meat as a large amount of animal protein increases the acidity of the urine and encourages the elimination of calcium in the urine, favoring the formation of crystals and consuming foods rich in fibers for the correct absorption of calcium, preventing its accumulation in the kidneys.

When the kidney stone is very large and cannot be eliminated by urine, symptoms such as severe pain in the back and when urinating, as well as the presence of blood in the urine may appear. In this case, you must go quickly to the emergency room and it may be necessary to have the stone removed by surgery.

The natural options for eliminating kidney stone are:

1. Stonebreaker tea

Stonebreaker tea has properties that help to unblock the kidney channels facilitating the elimination of kidney stones. In addition, this medicinal plant also helps to eliminate excess uric acid and reduce swelling, as it has diuretic properties.


  • 1 tablespoon of stone-breaking leaves 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil for about 5 to 10 minutes. Put out the fire, expect to warm, strain and drink throughout the day.

2. Salsa tea

Parsley has diuretic and purifying properties because it is rich in iron and flavonoids, which help to increase the volume of urine and eliminate kidney stones.


  • 1 cup of water1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley including the stem

Method of preparation

Boil the water, remove the water from the heat then add the parsley in the boiled water and stir. Let stand for 20 minutes and take throughout the day.

3. Leather-Hat Tea

The leather hat is generally used for its diuretic and purifying properties which, when combined, help to eliminate kidney stones.


  • 1 gram of dried leather hat leaves150 mL of water

Method of preparation

Place the leather hat leaves in a pot of water and boil for 10 minutes. It can be drunk right after preparation and up to 3 times a day.

4. Melon juice

Melon juice is also a great home remedy for kidney stones, as it has diuretic properties that facilitate kidney function, helping to eliminate kidney stones more quickly.


  • 1 tablespoon of melon 200 ml of chilled water

Method of preparation

Remove all the seeds from the melon and cut it into small cubes and then add the ingredients in the mixer or blender and beat well.

In the treatment for kidney stones it is also important to consume milk and its derivatives always in the skimmed version, and avoid eating excess protein. In a kidney crisis, the doctor may also recommend taking pain relievers to relieve pain in order to make the exit of the stones less distressing. To learn more about kidney stone nutrition see: Kidney stone nutrition.

4 Natural Treatment Options for Kidney Stones