Home Home-Remedies Watermelon juices to eliminate kidney stone

Watermelon juices to eliminate kidney stone


Watermelon juice is an excellent home remedy to help eliminate kidney stone because watermelon is a fruit rich in water, which in addition to keeping the body hydrated, has diuretic properties that contribute to the increase in urine, which naturally favors elimination of kidney stones.

This juice should complement the treatment that should be done with rest, hydration, and the individual should drink about 3 liters of water per day and analgesic drugs to relieve pain, under medical advice. Usually kidney stones are naturally eliminated, but in the case of very large stones, the doctor may recommend surgery, which may be indicated to eliminate stones larger than 5 mm that can cause severe pain when passing through the urethra. Find out more details of the treatment for kidney stone.

Delicious watermelon juice recipes

The recipes listed below are healthy, and should preferably not be sweetened with white sugar. Freezing the watermelon before preparing the juice is a good option for hot summer days, and the juice must be prepared at the time of consumption.

1. Watermelon with lemon


  • 4 slices of watermelon

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take ice cream.

2. Watermelon with mint


  • 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take ice cream.

3. Watermelon with pineapple


  • 1/2 cup watermelon

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take ice cream.

4. Watermelon with ginger


  • 1/4 teaspoon of ginger

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take ice cream.

Food during a kidney stone crisis should be light and rich in water, so the best options for lunch and dinner are soups, broths and fruit smoothies. It is also advisable to rest and avoid efforts until the stone is eliminated, which is easily recognized when urinating. After removing the stone, it is normal for the region to become painful, and it is advisable to continue investing in fluids to clean the kidneys. Check out what food should be like for those with kidney stones.

Watermelon juices to eliminate kidney stone