Home Home-Remedies How to fight diverticulitis at home

How to fight diverticulitis at home


To prevent bouts of diverticulitis, some home remedies can be used, such as eating wheat bran daily, drinking 1 glass of green juice a day and making ginger tea with gorse.

Diverticulitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes periods of alternation between diarrhea and constipation. It is not known exactly what its causes are, but a diet rich in fiber also helps to avoid the problem. Learn more at: Diet for diverticulitis.

1. Wheat bran

Wheat bran is a great home remedy to complement the drug treatment of diverticulitis, because in addition to being rich in fiber, it is tonic, fortifying, stimulating and revitalizing, helping to calm the inflamed intestine mucous membranes.

It is recommended to include 1 tablespoon of wheat bran a day, which can be divided into several meals and added gradually to soups, bean broths, fruit juices or vitamins.

2. Carqueja Tea with Ginger

The gorse has properties that improve intestinal transit and reduce gas production, facilitating digestion and preventing inflammation of diverticula. On the other hand, ginger improves circulation, reduces symptoms of nausea and vomiting and calms the intestine, being a great combination to treat and prevent diverticulitis.

To make the tea, add 1 shallow tablespoon of gorse plus 1 teaspoon of ginger for each cup of boiling water, allowing the mixture to sit for 10 minutes before straining and drinking.

3. Green juice with ginger

Taking a glass of green juice daily helps to increase the consumption of fiber throughout the day and facilitate intestinal transit, avoiding the need to make an effort to eliminate feces and, in this way, ward off diverticulitis.


  • 1 cabbage leaf1 spoon of mint leaves1 lemon juice1 / 2 apple1 / 2 cucumber1 piece of ginger1 glass of water2 ice stones

Preparation: beat all ingredients in the blender and drink ice cream.

4. Chamomile tea with Valerian

Chamomile helps to calm the intestine and reduce gas, while valerian relaxes the intestine and fights spasms that cause pain.


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Preparation: Place the dried leaves of the herbs in a pan and add the water. With the pan covered, boil for approximately 10 minutes. Strain and drink at least 2 glasses a day.

See other nutrition tips to treat diverticulitis:

If you liked this content, read also: Natural treatment for diverticulitis.

How to fight diverticulitis at home