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At what age do wrinkles appear


Wrinkles are signs of skin aging, which begins to show its first signs at around 30 years of age, when the elastic and collagen fibers of the skin decrease in quantity, leaving the skin thinner and flabby.

The first wrinkles that appear are the expression wrinkles, as for concern, for example, and they appear around the lips and forehead when they move, but, after 40 years, they appear even with the face still, around the eyes and chin, and can get worse over the years until it reaches much of the face, neck and neck.

Thus, the main types of wrinkles that arise are:

  • Type I: there are slight changes that arise with facial expressions, and are not yet considered wrinkles, which can begin to be noticeable between 20 and 30 years of age, in the regions of the face that make expressions; Type II: appear after 30 or 40 years, as the face moves, in moments of concern, smiles and expressions, and are more common around the lips, mouth and forehead; Type III: they are fixed wrinkles that appear even with the face rested, and are thin or with small undulations, due to the thinning of the skin, after 50 years of age. They are wrinkles that can no longer be disguised with makeup and can give a dejected or tired appearance to the face, which appear mainly around the eyes, on the forehead and between the eyebrows; Type IV: wrinkles that are deep after 60 or 70 years old, and are constant due to the gravity that pulls the thin skin down. They commonly appear on the sides of the chin, on the neck, in front of the ears and are no longer disguised by creams or makeup.

Wrinkles can also be formed by lines of expression due to some movement or facial expression kept repeatedly by the person, and, therefore, it is important to avoid overloading the muscles of the face, due to excessive tension, any position while sleeping, to try seeing or protecting yourself from the sun, for example.

How to treat

The ideal treatment for wrinkles depends on the stage they are in, with options such as peeling, radiofrequency sessions or glycolic acid cream, prescribed by the dermatologist, for the treatment of expression wrinkles, or laser procedures, botox application or surgery plastic, for example, for deeper wrinkles. To find the best method, see wrinkle treatment.

Some homemade or natural methods may be options, such as using natural teas and creams. Check out the natural recipe against wrinkles.

How to avoid

Wrinkles are inevitable as they arise due to the natural aging of the body. However, its onset and severity may vary, due to the person's genetics, but also by lifestyle. Thus, to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, you must:

  • Avoid smoking or staying in environments with a lot of smoke; Practice physical activity; Have a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, present in vegetables; Make collagen replacement, through foods, such as gelatin, or in capsules sold in pharmacies; Avoid exposure excessive in the sun; protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, hat and glasses; keep your skin hydrated, drinking plenty of fluids.

There are options for cosmetic creams that help moisturize the skin and avoid expression lines, usually sold in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. Learn to choose the best anti-wrinkle cream for your skin.

At what age do wrinkles appear