Home Bulls Imescard



Imescard is a rectal ointment used in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids in adult patients, produced by the laboratory Osório de Moraes.

Imescard is also known as ointment of Erva-de-Bicho, as it is composed of this medicinal plant, as well as Hamamélis and Cipó Caboclo.

Imescard indications

Imescard is indicated for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids.

Imescard Price

Imescard's price is around 15 reais.

How to use Imescard

Imescard can be used for internal and external hemorrhoids, and in:

  • External hemorrhoids : apply a little ointment to the hemorrhoid in the morning, after bowel movements and at bedtime. Always wash the anal area with water and mild soap before any application; Internal hemorrhoids : use in the same way as for external hemorrhoids, but use the applicator that comes with the ointment. After each use, wash the applicator with water and mild soap.

Side effects of Imescard

Side effects of Imescard include an allergic reaction to the site, redness, itching, nausea, vomiting, sweating and irritability.

Contraindications of Imescard

Imescard is contraindicated in individuals with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, with epilepsy and with heart problems.

The use of Imescard in pregnancy, lactation, in the elderly or in individuals with epiglottitis should only be done under medical guidance and indication.

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