Home Bulls Fox-fordyce disease

Fox-fordyce disease


Fox-Fordyce disease is an inflammatory disease that results from the obstruction of the sweat glands, leading to the appearance of small yellowish balls in the region of the armpit or groin.

The causes of Fox-Fordyce disease can be emotional factors, hormonal changes, increased production or chemical changes in sweat that can lead to sweat gland obstruction and inflammation.

Fox-Fordyce disease has no cure, but there are treatments that can reduce inflammation or reduce the appearance of lesions.

Fox-Fordyce Disease Photo

Armpit Fox-Fordyce disease

Treatment of Fox-Fordyce Disease

The treatment of Fox-Fordyce disease can be done with drugs, which have the function of reducing the inflammation, itching or burning that some individuals may feel in the regions with the lesions. Some remedies used are:

  • Clindamycin (topical); Benzoyl peroxide; Tretinoin (topical); Corticosteroids (topical); Contraceptives (oral).

Other treatment options may be ultraviolet radiation, skin scraping, or laser surgery to remove skin lesions.

Symptoms of Fox-Fordyce Disease

Symptoms of Fox-Fordyce disease usually appear in regions where there is more sweating, such as the armpit, groin, areola of the breast or navel. Some symptoms may be:

  • Small yellow balls; Redness; Itching; Loss of hair; Decreased sweat.

The symptoms of Fox-Fordyce disease worsen in the summer due to increased sweat production and in times of high stress due to hormonal changes.

Useful link:

  • Fordyce beads

Fox-fordyce disease