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Understand why loneliness is also good for your health


Loneliness, which is the feeling of being alone, is usually understood to be something negative, as it can generate feelings of sadness, changes in well-being and increase the chances of developing stress, depression or anxiety. However, being alone can also bring many benefits, such as increased creativity and more focus on day-to-day activities.

Social withdrawal can be due either to shyness or the desire to be alone. The most introspective people prefer to be alone, as they can relax their minds and thus have a better understanding of their emotions, focus and creativity.

Being alone may not often be a choice, but it is important to have at least one moment with yourself so that there is an understanding of your own emotions and desires and, thus, take advantage of moments of solitude.

Main benefits of being alone

For loneliness to have benefits, the person needs to understand the situation and make the introspective moment worthwhile. Thus, the benefits of staying alone are:

1. Increase in creativity

Creativity is about acting and thinking wisely and in a useful way, that is, being alone stimulates the mind to create different possibilities to perform a certain task or solve a problem. This creativity does not suffer from any external thought or judgment, it is something inside that allows a better understanding of the world, of people and of oneself.

2. More focus

When alone, the brain tends to relax and focus on really important things, as there are no distractions, such as people, traffic, radio or television. Thus, the person becomes more productive, is able to perform tasks more easily and with more certainty of what he is doing.

In addition, being alone allows one to reflect on certain situations or people, which makes the person better understand the feelings of others, for example.

3. Ripening

Loneliness is important for the maturation process, because when you are alone there are no judgments, that is, there is no reason to worry about what is done or said. This creates a feeling of trust, independence and emotional growth, which can improve the relationship with other people.

4. Self-awareness

Being alone allows the person to think and evaluate his attitudes, desires and thoughts and get to know himself better, that is, he can understand what bothers him and why, why he has given a thought about something and why he takes a certain action way. Thus, the person is able to connect with himself, establish his principles and act according to them.

5. Freedom

Freedom means making decisions and carrying out activities without the approval of another person. It is doing what you want when you want, without worrying about whether other people will do it or what they think and feel good about it.

Signs of those who prefer to be alone

People who prefer to be alone usually have characteristics such as:

  • Preference for quiet environments; They do not usually speak much, just what is necessary; Few bonds of friendship, but lasting; Social relationships tend to be deeper; They feel uncomfortable in environments with many people; They do not like being touched by their things; material things; they usually hear more.

Although they prefer to be alone, people considered anti-social also feel good and are able to interact when they are around other people.

When loneliness can be negative

Loneliness can be negative when the person feels abandoned by everyone, which can lead to changes in pressure and weight, a greater chance of dependence on alcohol or medication and increased irritability. See what are the 8 health consequences of loneliness.

Loneliness can also favor the appearance of some symptoms such as lack of willingness to perform daily activities, lack of appetite and sadness all the time, which can be a sign of depression, being indicated to go to the psychiatrist or psychologist. Find out what are the symptoms that indicate depression.

Understand why loneliness is also good for your health