Home Symptoms 5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is rich in polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that protect cells against changes that trigger disease and also help to reduce joint inflammation, relieving pain and improving joint movement.

Due to its fermentation, apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes that aid in the digestion of food and speed up gastric emptying, protecting the stomach and facilitating digestion. In addition, it has acids such as malic, lactic and citric, which help the proper functioning of the liver and in the detoxification of the body.

Thus, the main benefits of apple cider vinegar are:

1. Help you lose weight

Apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss because it reduces spikes in insulin and blood glucose levels, and due to acetic acid which is a blocker of the absorption of starch and sugar.

To lose weight with apple cider vinegar you should consume 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water, before lunch and dinner. See more details on how to use apple cider vinegar to lose weight.

2. Improve the skin

On the skin, apple cider vinegar helps to reduce blemishes and relieve itching from mosquito bites. Because it has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory property, it can be useful in healing wounds and ulcers, and therefore it can be indicated to purify the skin in case of acne. Apple cider vinegar still has oxidizing characteristics, which slow down aging.

A good strategy is to apply a little apple cider vinegar to a piece of cotton and wipe it over your face after washing it properly. This helps to cure inflamed acne and unclog pores. Then, dry the skin and apply a moisturizing cream for daily use, with built-in sunscreen.

3. Add shine to the hair

Apple cider vinegar can also be used on hair to add shine and radiance. In addition, it is a great home remedy against dandruff due to its antifungal properties.

To give your hair more shine, you can wash and soften your hair, as you usually do, and at the end of the process apply apple cider vinegar directly to the strands. You can put half a glass of apple cider vinegar and then mix it with water to fill a glass, and then apply it to all hair. Then dry.

4. Heal the cuticle

Apple cider vinegar improves paronychia, an infection at the edge of the nail that usually arises by taking the cuticle out of the nails excessively. This is because apple cider vinegar, in addition to being acid, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action that fights germs that can develop there.

To use, apply 1 drop of apple cider vinegar on each nail and let it act.

5. Other health benefits

Apple cider vinegar also helps in the digestion of food and contributes to liver detoxification.

However, the use of vinegar can be dangerous, in some cases, because the acid concentration varies between brands and even within the same brand, as it depends on the fermentation time and quality of the fruits used to manufacture the product. Thus, it is always recommended to use apple cider vinegar to treat or prevent health problems, especially skin, according to medical advice.

How to make apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be made at home using only apples and a little water, so it is as natural as possible. Although it is simple, it is a time-consuming process.

If it is the first time to make apple cider vinegar, it is recommended that you do not use too many apples so that there is no waste. Therefore, it is recommended, at first, to use 2 large apples, which must be washed, peeled and have their seeds removed so that they can be cut into pieces. Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Place the chopped apple in a blender and add a little water to prevent it from rotting. The amount of water varies according to the amount of apple used, it is usually recommended to add water until at least half of the apples are covered; Beat in the blender until the apples are completely crushed; Then put in a glass bottle, cover and leave out of the sun at room temperature (preferably between 18 and 30ºC) for 4 to 6 weeks. It is important that the bottle is not completely filled so that fermentation can take place without any problems; after that time, place in a wide container, cover with a clean cloth and leave in the sun for about 3 days.

After being in the sun, apple cider vinegar should be filtered and placed in a dark glass bottle, and can be used.

5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar