Home Bulls Swollen belly: what can be and how to treat

Swollen belly: what can be and how to treat


The bloated belly is a relatively common symptom that is usually associated with the presence of excessive intestinal gases, especially in people who suffer from constipation.

However, if other symptoms are associated, such as anal bleeding or hemorrhoids, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist to assess the situation and start the best treatment.

Another common situation of bloating in the belly is poor digestion, so if you think this may be the problem, watch the video by nutritionist Tatiana Zanin to learn about the causes of poor digestion and how to solve it:

To combat the swelling of the body, in general, not only the belly, you can take a diuretic tea and avoid salt consumption as much as possible, giving preference to a healthier diet, seasoned with fine herbs. Some examples of natural diuretics are ginger tea with cinnamon and consumption of foods such as parsley, pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon and cherries. See some tips to stop the bloating in the belly in Bloating in the belly.

1. Gases

They are the most common causes and are linked to excess gas that can occur due to situations such as food rich in fats, fried foods and sweets. The consumption of very spicy foods, with excess spices are also some of the frequent causes of the swollen belly, as they also cause many intestinal gases, which tend to dilate the lower abdominal region.

How to solve it: Eating slowly, not swallowing air when eating and drinking fennel tea is a great help because it has properties that calm the production of gases, relieving symptoms quickly. See other natural ways to fight intestinal gas.

2. Menstruation

It is very common for women to complain of having a swollen belly during menstruation. This is due to the accumulation of fluids in the abdominal area at this stage. The swelling tends to go away naturally with the end of menstruation.

How to solve it: To reduce the swollen belly during menstruation, what you can do is take a diuretic tea, like green tea or eat some slices of melon, for example.

3. Pregnancy

When the belly starts to get more swollen from the navel down and menstruation is delayed for a few days, this can be a sign of pregnancy. It is normal for the belly to start to become more prominent below the navel in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and, over time, it will grow with a more uniform shape until it gets close to the breasts.

If you think you may be pregnant, take the following test:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Know if you are pregnant

Start the test

In the last month have you had sex without using a condom or other contraceptive method such as an IUD, implant or contraceptive?
  • Yes No

Have you noticed any pink vaginal discharge lately?
  • Yes No

Are you getting sick and want to throw up in the morning?
  • Yes No

Are you more sensitive to smells, getting bothered by smells like cigarettes, food or perfume?
  • Yes No

Does your belly look more swollen than before, making it harder to keep your jeans tight during the day?
  • Yes No

Does your skin look more oily and acne prone?
  • Yes No

Are you feeling more tired and more sleepy?
  • Yes No

Has your period been delayed for more than 5 days?
  • Yes No

Have you ever had a pharmacy pregnancy test or blood test in the last month, with a positive result?
  • Yes No

Did you take the morning after pill recently?
  • Yes No

During pregnancy, women tend to accumulate a lot of fluids, making them look swollen, especially in the ankles, hands and nose. In this regard, what you can do is to reduce the consumption of salt and sodium and drink plenty of water. It is not recommended to take any tea without the doctor's knowledge, as many can cause premature birth.

4. Constipation

Constipation can be related to low fiber consumption, little physical activity and little water intake, which can affect people of all ages, although it is more common in sedentary people and bedridden people.

How to solve it: Consume foods rich in fiber, as they favor the formation of fecal cake, reducing constipation and the gases associated with it. Good examples are oats, muesli, wheat bran, whole foods, fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked in water and salt.

In addition to this home remedy, you can also take a daily glass of natural yogurt whipped with 1/2 papaya and sweetened with honey. All of these examples have no contraindications and can be used by individuals of all ages, including babies. See other natural ways to combat constipation.

5. Excess weight

Sometimes, the belly is not only swollen with fat accumulation in this region and in this case it is necessary to burn this fat to solve this problem.

How to solve it: Exercise daily and eat less foods high in fat and sugar. If you need help adjusting your food, watch the following video:

Swollen belly: what can be and how to treat