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Lipocavitation: truth or waste of time?


Lipocavitation, also known as lipo without surgery, is an aesthetic procedure with few risks, indicated to eliminate localized fat and cellulite, especially in the regions of the belly, thighs, flanks and back. Like all aesthetic procedures, it does not always work, as each organism works differently.

In lipocavitation, the ultrasonic waves emitted by the device penetrate the fat cells and cause them to implode, directing them to the lymphatic current. In this way, this procedure can eliminate up to 80% of the localized fat, being indicated to model and define the body. Learn more about this technique in Lipocavitation - Know the treatment that eliminates localized fat.

Can it not work?

Lipocavitation achieves excellent results as long as all treatment recommendations are followed. Thus, to achieve better results, restrict the consumption of fat and sugar (to avoid the deposition of new fat), perform lymphatic drainage and exercise within 48 hours after each session (so that the fat removed with the device is not deposited in another region of the body).

To complete the treatment it is also recommended to drink more water and green tea, which is an excellent diuretic daily and to eat healthy and low-calorie foods throughout the treatment. Creams with firming or lipolytic action can also be used in the treated places.

In some clinics, protocols are used that increase lipocavitation with other aesthetic treatments, such as radiofrequency, or electrolipolysis, for example.

5 Care to Ensure Treatment Success

Although each organism is different and responds differently to the treatment, there are some essential cares that help to guarantee the success of the treatment, such as:

  1. Ensure that you carry out the procedure with a trained and certified professional; Perform aerobic physical exercises up to 48 hours after each session to ensure the elimination of the released fat, requiring the practice of exercises with high caloric expenditure, such as swimming or running on the treadmill, for example; Perform lymphatic drainage up to 48 hours after each treatment, to guarantee maximum elimination of the fat and toxins generated, complementing the treatment; Ensure that the equipment used is certified, by consulting the brand, for example; Ensure that the treatment lasts at least 25 minutes, because less than that may not be effective or a larger number of sessions may be necessary until results are seen.

In addition, food is also a determining factor for the success of lipocavitation, and fats such as fried foods, sugary foods such as stuffed biscuits or processed foods such as sausage, sausage or frozen ready food should be avoided. Although lipocavitation is an aesthetic treatment with few risks, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and in case of obesity or difficult to control heart disease. Know all the risks of this technique in All the Dangers of lipocavitation.

Lipocavitation: truth or waste of time?