Home Symptoms What can be the inflamed ear and what to do

What can be the inflamed ear and what to do


Inflammation in the ear when identified and treated correctly does not represent any risk, being only uncomfortable, since it causes pain, itching in the ear, decreased hearing and, in some cases, release of a fetid secretion by the ear.

Despite being easily resolved, inflammation in the ear must be evaluated and treated by a specialist doctor, especially when the pain lasts more than two days, there is a feeling of dizziness or vertigo and the pain in the ear is very intense.

Causes of ear inflammation

Inflammation in the ear can be quite uncomfortable, especially for children, and therefore, when the first symptoms of inflammation appear, it is important to consult the doctor so that the cause can be identified and treatment can be started. The main causes of inflammation in the ear are:

1. Otitis externa

Otitis externa is the most common cause of pain and inflammation in the ear and is more frequent in babies and children who spend a lot of time on the beach or in the pool, for example. This is because heat and humidity can favor the proliferation of bacteria, leading to infection and inflammation of the ear and resulting in symptoms such as pain, itching in the ear and, in some cases, the presence of yellowish or whitish secretion.

Usually in otitis there is only one ear affected, however in rare cases both can be affected. See how to identify otitis.

What to do: When you notice the symptoms of otitis externa, it is important to go to the pediatrician or otolaryngologist, so that the diagnosis is made and treatment can be started. Treatment is usually done with the use of medications to reduce inflammation, such as Dipyrone or Ibuprofen, but if the presence of secretions is found, antibiotics may also be recommended by the doctor. Find out which are the most used remedies for ear pain.

2. Otitis media

Otitis media corresponds to inflammation of the ear that usually arises after the flu or attacks of sinusitis, and is characterized by the presence of secretion in the ear, decreased hearing, redness and fever. As a result of flu or sinusitis, otitis media can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or allergies. Learn more about otitis media.

What to do: It is important to consult the doctor so that the cause of otitis media is identified and treatment can be started, which is usually done with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If otitis media is caused by an infectious agent, the use of antibiotics, usually Amoxicillin, for 5 to 10 days may also be recommended.

3. Injury while cleaning the ear

Cleaning the ear with a cotton swab can push the wax and even rupture the eardrum, which causes pain and discharge of secretion in the ear.

What to do: To properly clean your ears and thus prevent infections, you can wipe the corner of the towel over the entire ear after bathing or apply two drops of almond oil inside the ear to soften the wax, and then, with the aid of a syringe, put a little saline into the ear and turn your head slowly so that the liquid comes out.

It is important to avoid cleaning your ears with a cotton swab and introducing foreign objects into this cavity, as in addition to infection it can result in serious health problems. Learn how to clean your ear properly.

4. Presence of objects inside the ear

The presence of objects in the ear, such as buttons, small toys or food, is more common in babies, and is usually accidental. The presence of foreign bodies in the ear leads to inflammation, with pain, itching and discharge of secretion in the ear.

What to do: If it is observed that the baby has accidentally placed objects in the ear, it is important to go to the pediatrician or otolaryngologist to have the object identified and removed. In more severe cases, surgical removal of the object may be necessary.

It is not recommended to try the object at home alone, as this can push the object further and cause complications.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to go to the otolaryngologist when the pain in the ear lasts more than 2 days and there is the presence of some of the following symptoms:

  • Decreased hearing capacity; Fever; Feeling dizzy or lightheaded; Release of whitish or yellowish discharge in the ear and a bad smell; Very severe ear pain.

In the case of children, the symptoms are noticed from their behavior, which can be observed in case of ear pain irritability, agitation, loss of appetite, the baby starts to put his hand on his ear several times and usually shakes his head towards the side several times. See how to identify ear pain in babies.

What can be the inflamed ear and what to do