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Home remedies for conjunctivitis


A great home remedy to treat conjunctivitis and facilitate healing is Pariri tea, as it contains properties that help to relieve redness, relieving pain, itching and pain in the eye and facilitating the healing process.

However, treatment at home can also be done only with compresses wet in cold water or in carrot juice, as they have a similar action to pariri tea.

These home treatments should not replace the use of medication, when prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Thus, if a doctor has not yet been consulted, it is important to go to a consultation if the problem does not improve after 2 days.

Check out other homemade and natural recipes for conjunctivitis.

1. Home remedy with pariri

This medicinal plant has a strong anti-inflammatory property that helps relieve inflammation, redness and discharge from the eyes.


  • 1 teaspoon of chopped pariri leaves, 250 ml of water.

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a pan and cook for about 10 minutes. After the water begins to boil, remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture and dip a clean gauze. Finally, it is only necessary to apply the compress over the closed eye, up to 3 times a day.

2. Home remedy with cold water

This cold water remedy is suitable for any type of conjunctivitis, as cold water decreases the swelling and helps to lubricate the eyes, reducing the symptoms of conjunctivitis.


  • Gauze or cotton, 250 ml of cold water.

How to use

Wet a piece of cotton wool or a clean gauze in cold water and apply to the closed eye, letting it act for a few minutes until you feel improvement in the symptoms. When it is no longer cold, change and put on another cold compress.

3. Home remedy with carrot

A good home remedy for conjunctivitis is the carrot compress, as the carrot acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, helping to control the symptoms of the disease.


  • 1 carrot; cotton or gauze.

Method of preparation

Pass the carrot through the centrifuge and use the juice to make wet compresses with cotton or gauze. To use, place the compress over the closed eye for 15 minutes. To improve the effect, it is recommended to renew the compress every 5 minutes. This can be done twice a day, always after washing the eyes with water or saline.

Home remedies for conjunctivitis