Home Bulls 5 Tips to Combat Menopause Symptoms

5 Tips to Combat Menopause Symptoms


Menopause is a period in a woman's life marked by various signs and symptoms that can interfere with quality of life and interpersonal relationships. It is common that during menopause there is an increase in body temperature, increased hair loss, accumulation of fat in the belly, weakening of the bones and changes in mood.

Despite this, menopausal symptoms can be easily combated with a few simple measures, such as adequate nutrition and physical activity, for example.

Some tips that can help fight menopausal symptoms are:

1. Be guided by a doctor

It is important to go to the gynecologist if you notice that menopausal symptoms are more frequent, intense and have a negative effect on the woman's quality of life. When going to the gynecologist, it is possible that tests may be requested to check the concentration of hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

If it is found that the levels are low, the doctor may recommend hormone replacement therapy to relieve the symptoms of and improve the woman's quality of life. However, it is important that treatment is done according to the doctor's guidance to avoid the development of complications. Learn more about hormone replacement therapy.

2. Practice physical activity

The practice of physical activity is very important in menopause, as it promotes the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, conferring a feeling of pleasure and physical and emotional well-being. So it is important to choose an activity that guarantees pleasure, such as cycling, running or doing water aerobics, for example.

3. Eat properly

Food also helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause, and regular consumption of foods such as soy and yams is recommended, as it contains phytoestrogens, which are substances that help to reduce the discomfort of menopause. Here's how to diet to fight menopausal symptoms.

4. Drink plenty of water

During menopause it is common for skin and hair to become thinner and more dry, and there is a greater chance of the appearance of dark spots on the skin and more hair loss. To prevent this from happening, it is important to drink plenty of water during the day, as it is possible to keep skin and hair hydrated and healthy.

5. Have chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can be used during menopause in order to decrease mood swings common in menopause. Thus, the woman may feel calmer and more peaceful during this period.

A natural treatment to decrease menopausal symptoms is the use of soy isoflavone, a compound derived from soy that contains the hormones that are no longer manufactured during this phase. This dietary supplement should be taken daily during the first months of menopause, until the woman's body gets used to the inactivity of the ovaries.

Get to know other medicinal plants and natural strategies to combat menopausal discomfort in the following video:

5 Tips to Combat Menopause Symptoms