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Carbohydrate-free snacks for weight loss


The Low Carb diet is one in which one must reduce the consumption of carbohydrates in the diet, eliminating especially sources of simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour. With the reduction in carbohydrates, it is important to adjust your protein intake and increase your intake of good fats, such as nuts, peanut butter, avocado and olive oil. Learn all about the low carb diet.

However, as most people are used to making snacks rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, tapioca, cookies, cakes, couscous and savory, it is often difficult to think of practical and tasty snacks to include in this diet. So here are 5 examples of Low Carb snacks.

1. Chestnuts with plain yogurt

A super fast and practical low carb snack is a mixture of chestnuts and plain yogurt. Chestnuts and oilseeds in general, such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and peanuts, are rich in good fats, zinc and proteins, in addition to having a very low carbohydrate content.

Wholesome natural yogurt is rich in proteins and fats, having a low amount of carbohydrate. However, because it has a bitter taste, the industry often adds sugar to improve the taste, but the ideal is to buy unsweetened natural yogurt, and add only a few drops of sweetener at the time of eating.

2. Low Carb Apple Pie

The apple pie brings a delicious sweet flavor to snacks, and can be taken in the lunchbox for class or for work.


  • 1 egg1 / 2 apple1 tablespoon of almond flour2 tablespoons sour cream or natural yogurt1 teaspoon of baking powderSweetener Stévia culinary to tasteCinnamon to taste Butter or coconut oil to grease the frying pan

Method of preparation:

Cut the apple into thin slices and set aside. Beat the egg, flour, sour cream or yogurt and yeast with the mixer or fork. Grease the pan with butter or coconut oil and preheat. Then add the sweetener and cinnamon, spread the apple slices and, above all, add the dough. Cover the pan and cook on low heat for about 7 minutes or until the dough is completely baked. Place on a plate and sprinkle more cinnamon to taste.

3. Pumpkin Dumpling

This cookie is rich in vitamin A from pumpkin and good fats from coconut and chestnuts. If you prefer, do not add sweetener or nuts to the recipe and use the dough as if it were bread, filling it with cheese, egg or shredded chicken, for example.


  • 2 eggs1 / 4 cup of coconut flour1 / 2 cup of mashed cooked pumpkin1 tablespoon of culinary sweetener1 shallow teaspoon of baking powder1 tablespoon of coconut oil2 tablespoons of lightly crushed chestnuts (optional))

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients with the mixer or blender, except the crushed chestnuts. Then, pour the dough into greased or silicone molds, add the lightly crushed nuts in the dough and bake in a medium oven for about 25 minutes until the toothpick test indicates that the dough is cooked. Makes about 6 servings.

4. Flaxseed crepe

This is the low carb version of the traditional crepioca, but tapioca gum is replaced by flaxseed flour.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt and oregano, 2 tablespoons of diced tomatoes, and diced tomatoes.

Method of preparation:

Mix the egg, flaxseed flour, salt and oregano in a deep bowl and beat well with the fork. Add the cheese and tomato, or the filling of your choice, and mix again. Grease a pan with butter, olive oil or coconut oil and pour the dough, turning to brown on both sides.

5. Pumpkin bread in the microwave

This practical bagel can be made in both sweet and savory versions, as shown below:


  • 1 egg50 g of boiled and mashed pumpkin1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour1 pinch of baking powder1 pinch of salt or 1 coffee spoon of culinary sweetener

Method of preparation:

Mix all the ingredients, grease a cup with olive oil or coconut oil and take it to the microwave for about 2 minutes. If you prefer, you can then break the roll and place it in the toaster to be crispy.

Here are 7 other snack options for you to have in the car, at work or at school:

Carbohydrate-free snacks for weight loss