Home Symptoms How to lower uric acid in the blood

How to lower uric acid in the blood


In general, to lower uric acid one must take drugs that increase the elimination of this substance by the kidneys and eat a diet low in purines, which are substances that increase uric acid in the blood. In addition, it is also necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and increase the consumption of foods and medicinal plants with diuretic power.

Elevated uric acid can accumulate in the joints, causing a disease called gout, which causes pain, swelling and difficulty making movements. Know how to recognize the symptoms of Gout.

1. Pharmacy remedies

During treatment to lower uric acid, the first drugs used are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Naproxen and Diclofenac. However, if these remedies are not enough and the symptoms are still present, the doctor may prescribe Colchicine or corticosteroids, which are medicines with greater power to fight the symptoms of pain and inflammation.

In addition, in some cases, the doctor may also prescribe the constant use of drugs that prevent the progression of the disease, such as Allopurinol or Febuxostat. It is also important to remember that you should avoid using Aspirin, as it stimulates the accumulation of uric acid in the body.

2. Home remedies

Home remedies to lower uric acid are made from diuretic foods that increase the elimination of this substance through urine, such as:

  • Apple, for being rich in malic acid, which helps to neutralize uric acid in the blood; Lemon, because it is rich in citric acid; Cherries, for acting as anti-inflammatories; Ginger, for being anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

These foods should be consumed daily to help control uric acid levels, along with an adequate diet to prevent the disease from developing. See how to prepare home Remedies to Lower Uric Acid.

3. Food

To reduce uric acid in the blood it is important to pay attention to food, avoiding the consumption of foods rich in purines, such as meats in general, seafood, fish rich in fat, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, alcoholic drinks, beans, soy and food integral.

In addition, it is recommended to avoid foods that contain simple carbohydrates, such as breads, cakes, sweets, soft drinks and industrialized juices, for example. It is also important to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and consume diuretic foods rich in vitamin C, such as cucumber, parsley, orange, pineapple and acerola. See an example of a 3-day menu to lower uric acid.

Learn more about eating to lower uric acid by watching the following video:

How to lower uric acid in the blood