Home Bulls Best remedies to stop sickness and stop vomiting

Best remedies to stop sickness and stop vomiting


The main function of the remedy for nausea and vomiting is to control its intensity and frequency and, therefore, most of these drugs act in the center of the vomit, located in the brain, controlling gastric emptying and reducing the feeling of nausea.

These drugs should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor, and it is advisable to ingest them about 15 to 30 minutes before meals, to facilitate digestion and control gastric emptying.

Vomiting is the forced elimination of stomach contents, which can be caused by eating or swallowing an irritating or toxic substance or spoiled food, for example. Often, associated with vomiting, the person may also have diarrhea, but the treatment is different. Here's how to treat diarrhea.

There are some medications that can be used both to prevent seasickness on a trip, and to lessen the feeling when it is already present:

1. Remedies to prevent motion sickness

The drugs that can be used before a trip to prevent nausea are antihistamines, such as dimenhydrinate or promethazine, which are a group of drugs that block H1 receptors in the brain, responsible for the body's nausea response. Learn how to take dimenhydrinate and what side effects may occur.

2. Remedies to relieve nausea and vomiting

Some examples of medicines that can be prescribed by the doctor to relieve nausea and vomiting are:

  • Domperidone (Motilium, Peridal or Domperix): increases the speed of emptying of the stomach and, thus, they are effective to reduce the feeling of nausea; Metoclopramide (Plasil): acts on the central nervous system reducing the feeling of nausea and increases the peristalsis of the upper gastrointestinal tract, facilitating digestion; Ondansetron (Vonau, Jofix): it is a substance that is generally used to treat nausea in the postoperative period or caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Some of these remedies, in addition to being available in pill form, can also be found in the form of patches, syrup, suppositories or injection, however, it is always necessary to consult a doctor before using them.

Typically, this type of medication should not be used for more than 1 week, due to the side effects it can cause, unless recommended by the doctor.

Remedy for child vomiting

Medicines to control vomiting in children should only be taken if the vomiting was very intense and if the pediatrician prescribes a specific medication.

If the child is vomiting, it is important to drink plenty of fluids such as tea, water or coconut water, for example, to prevent dehydration. The child can also take a homemade serum or oral rehydration salts, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

It is also very important to eat a diet for a while, avoiding eating bulky foods and prefer rice porridge, rice cooked with carrots, white meat like turkey and chicken or cooked fish.

Remedy for vomiting in pregnancy

Remedies for vomiting in pregnancy should be avoided because they can jeopardize the baby's development, however, in some cases, they may be prescribed by the obstetrician. Some measures are generally taken to help reduce this problem such as:

  • Avoid large meals; Do not lie down immediately after eating; Avoid spicy and greasy foods; Avoid intense odors, cigarette smoke or coffee.

The treatment of vomiting may involve taking vitamin supplements, good hydration and electrolyte replacement. Learn more about how to relieve nausea during pregnancy.

Best remedies to stop sickness and stop vomiting